Program areas at EarthDance
Adult Education: EarthDance's adult education includes "Spring Training for Gardener's" a quick-start 5-week program for individuals interested in learning backyard and community gardening (126 participants in 2023), a paid summer apprenticeship option for individuals pursuing a career in agriculture (8 participants in 2023), workshops, and farm tours. EarthDance also fosters an active volunteer corps, with 297 participants contributing over 2400 hours of service on the farm in 2023.
Participation on EarthDance's Pay What You Can Farm Stand grew in 2023. Community members from the greater St. Louis area utilized the Pay What You Can Farm Stand 745 times, up 42% over 2022. $1,202 worth of organic produce was distributed at the Farm Stand. $3,294 in discounts off retail value of the produce was provided, up 156% from 2022. 60% of shoppers were residents of North St. Louis County, and one in four shoppers lives in Ferguson.
Farm to School: EarthDance's partnership with the Ferguson-Florissant School District connects the district's 10,000+ students, families, and staff to farm-to-school programming for ages K-12. This initiative includes garden-based professional development for district teachers, an agri-culinary internship program providing high school students with culinary and farming skills, service learning opportunities for young people on the farm, and support for school district gardens by EarthDance's Farm to School educator. In 2023, EarthDance served 1000+ students and district staff via farm tours, field trips, nutrition and cooking lessons for students, and garden-based professional development for District staff.
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