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Export organization and personnel details

Generate customized CSV reports with bulk information on organizations and personnel

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Cause IQ's export tool allows you to generate custom CSV files containing organization and/or personnel records.

Step 1: Choose the organizations that you want to export

Either create a new search for a desired target market, load a saved search, or open a list (from scratch or an uploaded CSV file) in the search interface. To open a list of specific organizations, you just need to add a My saved lists filter from your search filter sidebar and choose the appropriate list's name.

Step 2: Accessing the "Export" tool

Select the "Export" tab from the search interface to access the export tool.

Accessing the export tool

Step 3: Choosing your export type, and deduping

After you access the "Export" tool, the next step is to choose what type of export you want to run and whether you want to dedupe your results. Here are the options for the types of exports you can run:

  • Organizations: Export organization records only, with the ability to choose which fields from the organization to include as columns in your report
  • Personnel, with organization details: Export staff and/or board members, along with organization records, and the ability to choose which fields from the personnel and organizations to include as columns in your report. Organization and personnel details will be in the same row, with different columns in the spreadsheet for organization and personnel fields.
  • Last five years of organization details: Export up to five years of financials (and other quantitative fields) for each organization in your report in one Excel file.

For our customers with the Salesforce integration enabled, you'll see a "CSV or Salesforce" option. If you want to bulk create Leads, Contacts, or Accounts, select the "Salesforce" option. Otherwise, select "CSV spreadsheet file" option selected. If you don't have the Salesforce integration on your account, the export will automatically be CSV and you won't see this section.

The "Which records to include" and "Remember exported records" sections let you use Cause IQ's built-in deduping feature. You can exclude both organization and personnel records that you have previously exported and remembered (you can choose to remember exports for future deduping). Choosing to dedupe previously remembered exports allows you to only export organizations and personnel that are new to your CRM. It's also helpful if you are exporting information from multiple different searches that have overlapping results. Click here to read our help article that goes into how deduping works in detail.

Here's a look at the "What" step of the export proccess: 

"What" step of the export process

Step 4: Filter personnel by levels and functions

This step only occurs if you chose to export "Personnel, with organization details" in the previous step. Here you select which types of personnel you want to export. You can also preview the results, to know approximately how many personnel you will be getting in your export. Here is a screenshot of the "Personnel" section, and the steps are below that:

Personnel step of the export process
  • Step 1

    Position levels

    Select the levels of the personnel you want to include in your export. The most common options are "Chief," "Director," and "Vice President." These levels are combined with the position functions, so any combination of levels and functions will result in matching personnel. We have algorithms and researchers who manually classify each title into its levels and functions, and some titles have more than one level and function.

    For board members, select the "Board" level.

    Levels can be blank to include all levels. In general, though, Cause IQ doesn't collect information on personnel below managers.

  • Step 2

    Position functions

    Select the functions of the personnel you want to include in your export. We have classified titles into the 50 most common functions, including "Executive," "Finance," "Operations," "Information / Technology," "Membership / Member services," and "Development / Fundraising / Giving / Advancement / Philanthropy" (among many others). These functions are combined with the levels, so any combination of level and function will result in a match. If a staff member has just a matching function without one of the selected levels, that person will not be exported (and vice versa for matching levels without corresponding functions).

    Board-specific functions include "Chair / Vice chair / President", "Treasurer," and "Secretary." For generic board members, select "No function," which will include personnel who have one of the selected levels but don't have a corresponding function (personnel that are just board members have the level "Board" and function "No function").

    Functions can be blank to include all functions.

  • Step 3

    Contacts per organizations

    Set the maximum number of contacts for a given organization. For example, if an organization has five personnel matching your criteria, and you cap the number of contacts per organization at two, then only the top two will be exported.

    We rank personnel by how high they are in an organization, and we export the highest ranking personnel at the given organizations first.

  • Step 4

    Contact information options

    Select whether you want to include key personnel in your export only if they have certain contact information available. It's important to note that Cause IQ has a much greater coverage of organization's office phone numbers compared to direct personnel phone numbers.

  • Step 5

    Include organizations without key personnel

    Sometimes organizations in your search results won't have personnel that match your criteria. They may not have identified personnel with the levels or functions you selected, or perhaps we haven't found their email addresses yet and you require email addresses. Selecting this option includes rows for organizations, along with further details on those organizations, at the end of your spreadsheet that we didn't find matching personnel for.

  • Step 6

    Preview matching personnel

    Click the "Preview" button to get a summary of the types of personnel that match your criteria. The preview shows you the number of matching personnel, the number of organizations with matching personnel, and details for the first five personnel in the export. It's important to note that you may have less personnel in your spreadsheet because the preview does not enforce the max number of contacts per organization option.

For more information on key personnel's levels and functions, check out this article.

Step 5: Selecting columns to include in your export

You can choose the information you want to add as columns in your spreadsheet. Almost every field in Cause IQ is available to add as a column, for both organizations and key personnel.

Click "Change columns" and search for the fields you want to include in your export. You can also find the fields you want to include in your export by category; these sections mirror the ones in the "All" filters tab of the search filter sidebar. Once you select the fields you want to include as columns, click "Change columns" within the "Change table columns" window. Here's a look at the "Columns" step of the export process:

Columns step of the export process

There are three types of columns you can choose. Although, depending on the type of export you are doing, you may only see one or two of the following column options:

  • Organization detail columns: The columns in the spreadsheet that contain information on organizations, such as address, revenues, assets, vendors, and almost any other field in our system. Click "Change columns" and search for the fields you want to include in your export. You can also find the fields by category; these sections mirror the ones in the "All" filters tab of the search filter sidebar.
  • Personnel detail columns: The columns in the spreadsheet that contain information on the contacts you are exporting. This only appears if you select "Personnel, with organization details" in the "What" step of the export process. By default, Cause IQ includes First name, Last name, Title, Email address, Phone number, and Last updated date. All personnel in our system are timestamped according to when we received the last confirmed piece of information on the contact.
  • Columns from uploaded spreadsheet: This section only appears when you are exporting lists that you uploaded into Cause IQ. It appears when exporting from the Dashboard, or when you include the list as a "My saved list" filter. You can choose to include information from the original spreadsheet you uploaded. This is particularly important if you uploaded information from your CRM, and are exporting it again for data enrichment. For example, if the original CSV you uploaded has a "CRM ID" column, you can choose to include that ID column in the export from Cause IQ, which makes getting that enriched data back into your CRM much easier.

Step 6: Confirming your export details and generating your report

The last step lets you confirm your selections in the export process ("What you are exporting," "Personnel filters," and "Columns in the spreadsheet"). Click the "Modify" link next to any of the sections to go back to that step of the process. Here's a look at the "Confirm" step of the export process: 

Confirm step of the export process

To start the export, click the "Create spreadsheet" button. The export will work in the background, and and you will receive notifications confirming that the export is processing and when the export is ready to download. You also receive an email with the spreadsheet attached to the email. Here is a look at the notifications:

CSV processing and ready to download

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