Cause IQ vendor profile

Vredeveld Haefner LLC

Vredeveld Haefner LLC is a firm that provides tax accounting and audit accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Michigan (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Vredeveld Haefner LLC clients are elementary and secondary schools, child and youth services, golf courses and country clubs, religious organizations, and trade associations with revenues ranging from $1.1 million to $8.0 million.

Primary location:
Grand Rapids, MI
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$3.4 mil revenue
Median client size:
$1.8 mil revenue

Vredeveld Haefner LLC client list

1American Youth Foundation (AYF)501(c)(3)Center Tuftonboro, NH
2Free Burma Rangers501(c)(3)Colorado Springs, CO
3Head Start for Kent County501(c)(3)Grand Rapids, MI
4Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative (ELNC)501(c)(3)Grand Rapids, MI
5PACE North501(c)(3)Traverse City, MI
6Society for Christian Instruction Zeeland (ZCS)501(c)(3)Zeeland, MI
7Paws With A Cause501(c)(3)Wayland, MI
8Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce501(c)(6)Grand Rapids, MI
9Meadowbrook Country Club501(c)(7)Northville, MI
10Lake Ann Baptist Camp501(c)(3)Lake Ann, MI
...and 46 more Vredeveld Haefner LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Vredeveld Haefner LLC competitors

Competitors to Vredeveld Haefner LLC in the nonprofit sector include Meyer Regan and Wilner LLP, Saslow Lufkin and Buggy LLP, Dylewsky Goldberg and Brenner LLC, Berger Lewis Accountancy Corporation, Smith Barta and Company, Doyle and Keenan PC, SS&G Inc, Joseph Decosimo and Company PLLC, Agh LLC, and Stanislawski and Harrison CPAs.

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