Cause IQ vendor profile

Vista Staffing Solutions Inc

Vista Staffing Solutions Inc is a firm that provides employment services, physicians, professional and technical services, public relations and advertising, and healthcare and medical to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Pennsylvania, California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Mississippi (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Vista Staffing Solutions Inc clients are outpatient health care practitioners and facilities and hospitals with revenues ranging from $18 million to $145 million.

Primary location:
Los Angeles, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$152 mil revenue
Median client size:
$51 mil revenue

Vista Staffing Solutions Inc client list

1Central Behavioral Health Central Montgomery Mental Health501(c)(3)Norristown, PA
2Southcoast Physicians Group501(c)(3)Fairhaven, MA
3Sonoma County Indian Health Project (SCIHP)501(c)(3)Santa Rosa, CA
4Molokai General Hospital501(c)(3)Kaunakakai Molokai, HI
5St Joseph Medical Group501(c)(3)Reading, PA
6Anderson Hospital Providers501(c)(3)Meridian, MS

Vista Staffing Solutions Inc competitors

Competitors to Vista Staffing Solutions Inc in the nonprofit sector include Aegis Therapies Inc, Delta Locum Tenens, Core Medical Group, Jackson and Coker LLC, Medefis Inc, Barton Associates Inc, Staff Care, Fusion Medical Staffing LLC, Qualivis LLC, and Shiftwise Inc.

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