Cause IQ vendor profile

Murray Securus

Murray Securus is a firm that provides insurance agent or broker and insurance to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Pennsylvania (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Murray Securus clients are assisted living and continuing care retirement communities, services for the elderly and people with disabilities, and golf courses and country clubs with revenues ranging from $20 million to $43 million.

Primary location:
Lancaster, PA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$69 mil revenue
Median client size:
$48 mil revenue

Murray Securus client list

1Garden Spot Village501(c)(3)New Holland, PA
2Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community501(c)(3)Quarryville, PA
3Lancaster Country Club501(c)(7)Lancaster, PA

Murray Securus competitors

Competitors to Murray Securus in the nonprofit sector include Federal Insurance Company, Cigna Group Insurance, Horizon Insurance Company, Kelly and Associates Insurance Group, Professional Group Plans Inc, Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company, Delta Dental Of Minnesota, The Hilb Group Of New England, Mcgriff Insurance Services Inc, and Metlife Securities Inc.

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