Cause IQ vendor profile

Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks and Co LLC

Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks and Co LLC is a firm that provides tax accounting and audit accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Georgia and South Carolina (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks and Co LLC clients are electric power generation, transmission, and distribution establishments and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $158,863 to $109 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks; Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks and Co. LLP; Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks &co LLC; Mcnair, Mclemore, Middlebrooks and; Mcnair, Mclemore, Middlebrooks and Co.; William H. Epps. JR.; and Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks LLC.

Primary location:
Macon, GA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$33 mil revenue
Median client size:
$464 thou revenue

Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks and Co LLC client list

1Community Health Services of Georgia501(c)(3)Macon, GA
2Wesleyan College501(c)(3)Macon, GA
3Community Foundation of South Georgia501(c)(3)Thomasville, GA
4North Carolina Advanced Energy Corporation501(c)(3)Raleigh, NC
5Chanan Foundation501(c)(3)Douglasville, GA
6Attn Michelle Fortner CFO501(c)(12)Marietta, GA
7Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation501(c)(12)Cumming, GA
8Walton EMC501(c)(12)Monroe, GA
9GreyStone Power Corporation501(c)(12)Douglasville, GA
10Snapping Shoals EMC501(c)(12)Covington, GA
...and 265 more Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks and Co LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks and Co LLC competitors

Competitors to Mcnair Mclemore Middlebrooks and Co LLC in the nonprofit sector include NSBN LLP, Friedberg Smith and Co PC, Carlson Highland and Co LLP, Elko and Associates Ltd, Lederer Levine and Associates LLC, Bauerle and Company PC, Shechtman Marks Devor PC, James Knutzen and Associates CPA's PA, Long Chilton LLP, and Bruner-Cox LLP.

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