Cause IQ vendor profile

Locumtenens Com LLC

Locumtenens Com LLC is a firm that provides services to nonprofit clients. They operate nationwide, with nonprofit clients using their services across the country.

Most Locumtenens Com LLC clients are outpatient health care practitioners and facilities and hospitals with revenues ranging from $30 million to $315 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Locumtenenscom; Locum Tenens; Locumtenens LLC; Locumtenscom; Locum Tennenscom; Locumtennenscom LLC; and Locum Tenens Com LLLC.

Primary location:
Atlanta, GA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$148 mil revenue
Median client size:
$54 mil revenue

Locumtenens Com LLC client list

1ProMedica501(c)(3)Toledo, OH
2Pioneer Human Services501(c)(3)Seattle, WA
3Sea Mar Community Health Centers501(c)(3)Seattle, WA
4McLaren Port Huron501(c)(3)Port Huron, MI
5UTMB Healthcare Systems501(c)(3)Galveston, TX
6Cascadia Healthcare501(c)(3)Portland, OR
7Medcura Health501(c)(3)Stone Mountain, GA
8Hope Services501(c)(3)San Jose, CA
9Mental Health America of Los Angeles (MHA)501(c)(3)Long Beach, CA
10Lifewell (LBW)501(c)(3)Phoenix, AZ
...and 96 more Locumtenens Com LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Locumtenens Com LLC competitors

Competitors to Locumtenens Com LLC in the nonprofit sector include Conduent HR Consulting, LLC, Msi Financial Services Inc., Oxford Health Insurance, Inc, Oppenheimer Funds Inc., Victory Variable Insurance Funds, Union Security Insurance Company, Capital Research and Management Com, Segal Select Insurance Services Inc, Morningstar Associates, LLC, and Pimco Funds.

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