Cause IQ vendor profile

Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation

Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation is a firm that provides insurance agent or broker, financial advisor, insurance, commercial bank, and administrative support to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California, Maine, District of Columbia, and Ohio (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation clients are hospitals, outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, child and youth services, and museums, historical sites, and similar institutions with revenues ranging from $24 million to $119 million.

Primary location:
Fort Wayne, IN
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$225 mil revenue
Median client size:
$33 mil revenue

Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation client list

1Bread For The World501(c)(4)Washington, DC
2Contemporary Jewish Museum (CJM)501(c)(3)San Francisco, CA
3Friendship Public Charter School501(c)(3)Washington, DC
4Fred Finch Youth Center (FFYC)501(c)(3)Oakland, CA
5Valley Children's Hospital501(c)(3)Madera, CA
6Delano Regional Medical Center (DRMC)501(c)(3)Delano, CA
7The Blood Connection (TBC)501(c)(3)Piedmont, SC
8Zoological Society of Cincinnati501(c)(3)Cincinnati, OH
9Northern Maine Medical Center501(c)(3)Fort Kent, ME
10John F Murphy Homes (JFM)501(c)(3)Auburn, ME
...and 7 more Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation competitors

Competitors to Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation in the nonprofit sector include Valic, Commonwealth Financial Network, Raymond James and Associates, Capfinancial Partners, LLC, Ubs Financial Services, Prudential, Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith, RBC Capital Markets, Segal Company, and RBC Wealth Management.

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