Cause IQ vendor profile

Kern and Thompson, LLC

Kern and Thompson, LLC is a firm that provides audit accounting and tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Oregon and Washington (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Kern and Thompson, LLC clients are residential intellectual and developmental disability facilities, outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, community housing services, trade associations, and child and youth services with revenues ranging from $9.0 million to $31 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Kern and Thompson; and Kern Thompson.

Primary location:
Portland, OR
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$15 mil revenue
Median client size:
$9.7 mil revenue

Kern and Thompson, LLC client list

1Oregon Food Bank501(c)(3)Portland, OR
2Lifeline Connections501(c)(3)Vancouver, WA
3Worksystems501(c)(3)Portland, OR
4Northwest Housing Alternatives (NHA)501(c)(3)Milwaukie, OR
5Terwilliger Plaza501(c)(3)Portland, OR
6Farmworker Housing Development Corporation501(c)(3)Woodburn, OR
7Oregon Child Development Coalition (OCDC)501(c)(3)Wilsonville, OR
8Transition Projects501(c)(3)Portland, OR
9Human Solutions Inc dbaOur Just Future501(c)(3)Portland, OR
10Community Action Team (CAT)501(c)(3)Saint Helens, OR
...and 19 more Kern and Thompson, LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Kern and Thompson, LLC competitors

Competitors to Kern and Thompson, LLC in the nonprofit sector include CBIZ Tofias, Vavrinek, Trine, Day and Co, LLP, Withumsmith+brown, PC, Schmidt Westergard and Company PLLC, Brady, Martz and Associates, P.C., Schultheis and Panettieri, LLP, Pershing Yoakley and Associates P C, Barre and Company, Jpmorgan Chase Bank Na, and Banks Finley White MS Of CPA.

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