Cause IQ vendor profile

Kayode Agunbiade and Co CPA's

Kayode Agunbiade and Co CPA's is a firm that provides tax accounting and audit accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New Jersey and New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Kayode Agunbiade and Co CPA's clients are economic development corporations and economic program organizations, outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, individual and family services, child day care services, theater companies and dinner theaters, musical groups and artists, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $106,527 to $4.8 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Kayode Agunbiade and Co. CPA.

Primary location:
East Orange, NJ
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$1.3 mil revenue
Median client size:
$244 thou revenue

Kayode Agunbiade and Co CPA's client list

1Marc Academy and Family Center501(c)(3)Bronx, NY
2Faces Ny Faces Ny501(c)(3)New York, NY
3Pregones Puerto Rican Traveling Theater (PT-PRTT)501(c)(3)Bronx, NY
4Kwenyan Professional Health Services (KPHS)501(c)(3)Trenton, NJ
5Our Children's Foundation501(c)(3)New York, NY
6Springfield Avenue Center Special Improvement District Management Corporation501(c)(6)Irvington, NJ
7Plainfield Sid Management Corporation501(c)(6)Plainfield, NJ
8Camptown Business Improvement District of Irvington NJ501(c)(6)Gulfport, MS
9Mcginley Square Partnership Special Improvement District Management Corporation501(c)(6)Jersey City, NJ
10Central Avenue Business Improvement District Management Corporation501(c)(6)East Orange, NJ
...and 6 more Kayode Agunbiade and Co CPA's not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Kayode Agunbiade and Co CPA's competitors

Competitors to Kayode Agunbiade and Co CPA's in the nonprofit sector include Schoonover Boyer Associates, Franke and Turnbull CPA's, Lublinsussman Group LLP, Friedberg Smith and Co PC, Arcara and Borczynski, Lynch Malloy Marini LLP, Pfbfcpas, Bowling Franklin and Collp, Elko and Associates Ltd, and Hendershot Burkhardt and Associates.

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