Cause IQ vendor profile

John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA)

John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA) is a firm that provides insurance to nonprofit clients. They operate nationwide, with nonprofit clients using their services across the country.

Most John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA) clients are outpatient health care practitioners and facilities and residential intellectual and developmental disability facilities with revenues ranging from $10 million to $44 million.

Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$71 mil revenue
Median client size:
$18 mil revenue

John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA) client list

1Florence Crittenton Services of Arizona501(c)(3)Phoenix, AZ
2Northeastern University (NU)501(c)(3)Boston, MA
3Birmingham Community Charter High School (BCCHS)501(c)(3)Van Nuys, CA
4Serge501(c)(3)Jenkintown, PA
5Pingree School501(c)(3)South Hamilton, MA
6Grapevine Faith501(c)(3)Grapevine, TX
7Amca International501(c)(6)Arlington Heights, IL
8Saint Louis University (SLU)501(c)(3)Saint Louis, MO
9Houston Zoo501(c)(3)Houston, TX
10Community Resources for Justice (CRJ)501(c)(3)Boston, MA
...and 144 more John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA) not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA) competitors

Competitors to John Hancock Life Insurance Company (USA) in the nonprofit sector include Protech Associates Inc, Health Net, Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc., United Concordia Dental Plans Of California, Inc., United Concordia Insurance Company, Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company, Carefirst Blue Choice, First Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company, Prudential Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company, and Usi Southwest Inc.

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