Cause IQ vendor profile

Health Resources, Inc.

Health Resources, Inc. is a firm that provides insurance and investment management to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Indiana and Kentucky (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Health Resources, Inc. clients are hospitals and residential intellectual and developmental disability facilities with revenues ranging from $23 million to $194 million.

Primary location:
Evansville, IN
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$68 mil revenue
Median client size:
$29 mil revenue

Health Resources, Inc. client list

1Orchard School Foundation501(c)(3)Indianapolis, IN
2Greenwood Village South501(c)(3)Greenwood, IN
3Medical Center Health (CHC)501(c)(3)Bowling Green, KY
4Audubon Area Community Services501(c)(3)Owensboro, KY
5Deaconess Health System501(c)(3)Evansville, IN
6Oakland City University (OCU)501(c)(3)Oakland City, IN
7Wendell Foster's Campus for Developmental Disabilities501(c)(3)Owensboro, KY
8Cumberland County Hospital Association (CCH)501(c)(3)Burkesville, KY
9Bashor Children's Home501(c)(3)Goshen, IN
10Putnam County Comprehensive Services501(c)(3)Greencastle, IN
...and 6 more Health Resources, Inc. not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Health Resources, Inc. competitors

Competitors to Health Resources, Inc. in the nonprofit sector include Rose and Kiernan, Combined Services LLC, Kestra Advisory Services LLC, Marquette and Associates, Fidelity, Commonwealth Financial Network, Global Retirement Partners LLC, Raymond James and Associates, CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Services, and John Hancock.

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