Cause IQ vendor profile


Growthzone is a company that provides IT and computer services to nonprofit customers. They operate nationwide, with nonprofit customers using their products across the country.

Most Growthzone customers are trade associations and professional associations with revenues ranging from $313,150 to $1.9 million.

Primary location:
Nisswa, MN
All locations:
Identified customers:
Avg customer size:
- revenue
Median customer size:
- revenue

Growthzone customer list

1Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)501(c)(3)Leesburg, VA
2Insurance Council of Texas (ICT)501(c)(6)Austin, TX
3Texas Association of Builders (TAB)501(c)(6)Austin, TX
4Building Owners and Managers Association of Chicago (BOMA)501(c)(6)Chicago, IL
5Collin County Association of Realtors (CCAR)501(c)(6)Plano, TX
6Naiop Socal Commercial Real Estate501(c)(6)Santa Ana, CA
7Long Island Association (LIA)501(c)(6)Melville, NY
8Building Industry Association of the Bay Area (BIA)501(c)(6)Concord, CA
9Centex Independent Electrical Contractors501(c)(6)Austin, TX
10Associated General Contractors of Ma501(c)(6)Wellesley, MA
...and 617 more Growthzone not-for-profit tax-exempt customers identified by Cause IQ

Growthzone competitors

Competitors to Growthzone in the nonprofit sector include Kimbia, Mckesson Technologies Inc, Tate and Tryon, Digital Insight, Vizient, BKD LLP, Workday Inc, Nisc, Ge Healthcare, and Veracross LLC.

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