Cause IQ vendor profile

Donor By Design Group LLC

Donor By Design Group LLC is a firm that provides fundraising services to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Wisconsin (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Donor By Design Group LLC clients are fitness and recreational sports centers and civic and social organizations with revenues ranging from $8.3 million to $55 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Donor By Design Group.

Primary location:
Ferguson, MO
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$27 mil revenue
Median client size:
$14 mil revenue

Donor By Design Group LLC client list

1Young Men's Christian Association Joliet501(c)(3)Joliet, IL
2Young Mens Christian Association of the North501(c)(3)Minneapolis, MN
3Gateway Region YMCA501(c)(3)Saint Louis, MO
4American Camping Association501(c)(3)Martinsville, IN
5Greater Wichita Ymca501(c)(3)Wichita, KS
6Ymca of Central Florida501(c)(3)Orlando, FL
7YMCA of Honolulu501(c)(3)Honolulu, HI
8Ymca of Greater Birmingham501(c)(3)Birmingham, AL
9The Young Men's Christian Association of the Triangle Area501(c)(3)Raleigh, NC
10University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation501(c)(3)Oshkosh, WI
...and 12 more Donor By Design Group LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Donor By Design Group LLC competitors

Competitors to Donor By Design Group LLC in the nonprofit sector include Westfall Group, Hub International, Manatt Phelps and Phillips LLP, Centerplate, United Parcel Service, Coxe Curry and Associates, Campbell and Company, Holland &knight, Graham-Pelton Consulting Inc, and The Heritage Company.

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