Cause IQ vendor profile

Clem Payne JR CPA

Clem Payne JR CPA is a firm that provides tax accounting and audit accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Clem Payne JR CPA clients are promoters of performing arts, sports, and similar events, theater companies and dinner theaters, museums, historical sites, and similar institutions, and civic and social organizations with revenues ranging from $96,258 to $338,861.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Clem Payne JR.

Primary location:
Altadena, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$1.2 mil revenue
Median client size:
$313 thou revenue

Clem Payne JR CPA client list

1Community Centers Incorporated (CCI)501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
2Your Own Greatness Affirmed501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
3Pulse Arts501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
4Great Leap501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
5Kodo Arts Sphere America501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
6International Association of Black Yoga Teachers501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
7Restore-A Renewal Center for Women501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA

Clem Payne JR CPA competitors

Competitors to Clem Payne JR CPA in the nonprofit sector include Stevens Kirinovic and Tucker, Schmid Broaddus Nugent and Gano PC, Cottrill Arbutina and Associates, Don A Curtis and Associates PLLC, Weidner and Company PC, Vance CPA LLC, Beachy Arehart, Beach Freeman Lim and Cleland LLP, Roloff Hnatek and Co LLP, and Jason F Clausen PC.

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