Cause IQ vendor profile

BB&T Insurance Services, Inc.

BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. is a firm that provides insurance agent or broker to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Virginia, Kentucky, California, North Carolina, and South Carolina (although they are present in other states as well).

Most BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. clients are outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, colleges, universities, and professional schools, and vocational rehabilitation services with revenues ranging from $27 million to $183 million.

Primary location:
Raleigh, NC
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$66 mil revenue
Median client size:
$36 mil revenue

BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. client list

1Conard House501(c)(3)San Francisco, CA
2University of Virginia Physicians Group501(c)(3)Charlottesville, VA
3Kentucky Medical Services Foundation (KMSF)501(c)(3)Lexington, KY
4Mountain Comprehensive Health Corporation501(c)(3)Whitesburg, KY
5Covenant College501(c)(3)Lookout Mountain, GA
6YMCA of South Hampton Roads501(c)(3)Chesapeake, VA
7Twin Lakes Community501(c)(3)Burlington, NC
8Spalding University501(c)(3)Louisville, KY
9Kentucky Blood Center (KBC)501(c)(3)Lexington, KY
10Columbia College501(c)(3)Columbia, SC
...and 8 more BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. competitors

Competitors to BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. in the nonprofit sector include Merrill Lynch Life Agency Inc, The Savitz Organization, Mid Atlantic Capital Corporation, Commonwealth Financial Network, Metlife Life Insurance Company, VSP, Express Scripts, Inc., Hub International Ins. Svces., Inc., Medical Mutual Of Ohio, and Benesys Inc.

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