Cause IQ vendor profile

BB&T Insurance Services

BB&T Insurance Services is a firm that provides insurance agent or broker, public relations and advertising, and actuarial services to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Pennsylvania and Virginia (although they are present in other states as well).

Most BB&T Insurance Services clients are vocational rehabilitation services, hospitals, assisted living and continuing care retirement communities, child and youth services, services for the elderly and people with disabilities, community housing services, and health and disease research fundraising organizations with revenues ranging from $17 million to $56 million.

Primary location:
Greensboro, NC
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$166 mil revenue
Median client size:
$43 mil revenue

BB&T Insurance Services client list

1Pace Center for Girls501(c)(3)Jacksonville, FL
2Southeastern Kentucky Rehabilitation Industries (SEKRI)501(c)(3)Corbin, KY
3Alternative Paths Training School (APTS)501(c)(3)Dumfries, VA
4Moravian Village of Bethlehem501(c)(3)Bethlehem, PA
5Palmetto Goodwill Services501(c)(3)North Charleston, SC
6Virginia Institute of Autism (VIA)501(c)(3)Charlottesville, VA
7Schuylkill Medical Center - East Norwegian Street501(c)(3)Pottsville, PA
8Triad Math and Science Academy Company501(c)(3)Greensboro, NC
9Goodwill of Southern Indiana501(c)(3)Clarksville, IN
10Sacred Heart HealthCare System501(c)(3)Allentown, PA

BB&T Insurance Services competitors

Competitors to BB&T Insurance Services in the nonprofit sector include Towers Watson, Capfinancial Partners, LLC, Segal Consulting, Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan, Minnesota Life Insurance Company, Segal Company, Buck Global LLC, Transamerica, Newport Group, Inc., and Mcgriff Insurance Services.

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