Cause IQ vendor profile

Agl CPA Group LLC

Agl CPA Group LLC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Georgia (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Agl CPA Group LLC clients are fraternity houses, sorority houses, residential clubs, and worker camps with revenues ranging from $99,678 to $639,899.

Primary location:
Duluth, GA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$752 thou revenue
Median client size:
$141 thou revenue

Agl CPA Group LLC client list

1Phi Mu Fraternity501(c)(7)Peachtree City, GA
2Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association (HBA)501(c)(6)Atlanta, GA
31964 Gallows Road Ste 310 (ISSA)501(c)(6)Vienna, VA
4Phi Mu Foundation501(c)(3)Peachtree City, GA
5Phi Mu Fraternity Housing Corporation501(c)(2)Peachtree City, GA
6Homeaid Atlanta501(c)(3)Atlanta, GA
7Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity501(c)(7)Bay Village, OH
8C5 Youth Foundation of Georgia501(c)(3)Atlanta, GA
9Hudgens Center for the Arts501(c)(3)Duluth, GA
10Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE)501(c)(3)Woodstock, GA
...and 165 more Agl CPA Group LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Agl CPA Group LLC competitors

Competitors to Agl CPA Group LLC in the nonprofit sector include TD&T Financial Group PC, Hicok Fern and Company, S I Gordon and Company PA, Bgcko LLP, Nonprofits Assistance Fund, Weber - O'Brien Ltd, Kobayashi Kanetoku Doi Lum and Yasuda CPAs, Winter Kloman Moter and Repp SC, Buckley Frame Boudreau and Co PC, and Vanacoredebenedictusdigovanni&weddell.

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