Cause IQ vendor profile

Abel Krieger and Wilmeth CPA's

Abel Krieger and Wilmeth CPA's is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Abel Krieger and Wilmeth CPA's clients are religious organizations, social advocacy organizations, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $36,687 to $605,703.

Primary location:
Palm Desert, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$413 thou revenue
Median client size:
$59 thou revenue

Abel Krieger and Wilmeth CPA's client list

1Alianza Coachella Valley501(c)(3)Coachella, CA
2The Sirpuhe and John Conte Foundation501(c)(3)Indian Wells, CA
3Norman C Schultz Foundation501(c)(3)Indian Wells, CA
4Malcolm Cravens Foundation501(c)(3)Ukiah, CA
5Bernard Silver and Betty Silver501(c)(3)Indian Wells, CA
6Truthseeker International Corporation501(c)(3)Claremont, CA
7Bragdon R Garrow Foundation501(c)(3)Indian Wells, CA
8Charles J and Barbara M Osicka Foundation501(c)(3)Palm Desert, CA
9Charles R Knox and Shirley A Knox Foundation501(c)(3)Anaheim, CA
10Desert Orthopedic Center Medical Research Foundation501(c)(3)Palm Desert, CA
...and 2 more Abel Krieger and Wilmeth CPA's not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Abel Krieger and Wilmeth CPA's competitors

Competitors to Abel Krieger and Wilmeth CPA's in the nonprofit sector include Bowling Franklin and Collp, Spectrum CPA Group LLP, Brian Zabel and Associates PC, Russell Thompson Butler and Houston, SCL CPA PC, John Zimitski CPA, HG&K Ltd, Lanier Deal and Proctor CPAs, Greg Lemon CPA PLLC, and David Shin CPA PC.

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