Program areas at Young Women's Christian Association Saint Paul
Housing & supportive services helped families and individuals overcome homelessness through affordable housing and supportive services to empower families to stabilize their lives, build new skills, decrease their utilization of emergency services and keep families united and safe. While each program has specific eligibility criteria & requirements, all programs are united by philosophy, core services & service delivery methods that equip & empower participants to achieve foundational stability (i.e. stable housing), improve their economic resources & increase their self-sufficiency. They link affordable housing to customized support services; use the whole family approach; operate collaboratively; are case management-driven & participant centered; employ outcome-based evaluation; research-based tools, strategies and best practices. YWCA's transitional housing program (THP), established in 1984, creates a path out of homelessness for single parent families with moderate to high barriers to housing stability. A family centered program, THP provides life changing case management, advocacy, training & support that helps parents achieve stable housing and supports the needs of their children through direct service and connection to community resources. Families spend up to 24 months stabilizing their lives & building skills while living in a YWCA owned/operated transitional housing site. Participants that complete a year are eligible for a Section 8 Rental Voucher which helps them maintain affordable housing in the community & reduces the chance of repeat homelessness. Permanent supportive housing (PSH) serves 1 & 2 parent families identified as having the highest complexity of barriers to housing stability, including chronic or long-term homelessness, a diagnosed physical/mental disability &/or chronic illness such as HIV/AIDS. Families work to achieve stable housing & independent living and are supported through case management, coaching & connection to community resources. Families reside in YWCA owned/operated housing or housing in the community. Families are eligible to access a Section 8 Voucher after a year in the program. They participate as long as they choose, provided they continue to meet eligibility requirements. PSH has served the community since 1995.
Employment & economic development programs helped people gain skills to overcome barriers to employment, higher income and self-sufficiency through specialized ongoing case coordination, training and support. YWCA's YW works program provides culturally specific employment counseling and other supports to African American adults participating in the Minnesota family investment program. YWCA's career pathways program helps unemplyed or underemployed individuals prepare for employment, build skills and obtain the credentials needed to secure and maintain in-demand jobs. The current training track includes certified nursing assistant. Employment readiness, financial literacy, and soft skills development are a key focus of our employment programs.
The health & fitness center (HFC) provides individual and group-based activities that support good health. In its welcoming, inclusive setting, peaple of all ages are empowered to live an active lifestyle, prevent and manage chronic medical conditions, reduce stress and grow strong in body and mind. Outreach and initiatives help keep health and wellness services accessible. The HFC helped members meet their health and fitness goals, and supported the health of participants in YWCA'ssocial service programs through special programs (e.g. swimming lessons for housing program families).Core services include: cardio and strength training equipment, group fitness classes led by certified instructors, specialty fitness classes, personal training and coaching services, swim instruction, water exercise, lap swimming, competitive swimming, open swim and pool rental.
Youth development programs empower young people to build bright futures. Programming helps young people affirm who they are, and supports them in building leadership skills, employment readiness, and academic success. YW Stride helps young women of color ages 18-24 who are transitioning from foster care by helping them secure stable housing and navigate relationships, resources, and systems. The Young Women's Initiative of MN is a public-private partnership between the Women's Foundation of MN and the State of MN. It is comprised of thirty-two young women and youth leaders ages 16-24 appointed by the Governor and actively engaged in leadership and advocacy development, philanthropy, policy initiatives, and community engagement to address disparities for girls and young women.