Program areas at Warm Springs Community Action Team
Ida program: provided matched savings accounts (idas) to approximately 212 low income, low asset ctws tribal/community members, including 155 existing clients and 57 new clients. Clients save for homes/home renovations, capital for business startup/expansion, college/vocational education, motor vehicles, and debt repayment. Primary funder: Oregon ida initiative.
Youth programs: provided workforce opportunities/internships; workforce training; financial and business education; film and acting workshops; cultural learning, visual art learning and opportunities; sports camps; workshops/events for lgbtq2s youth and allies; field trips to universities, conferences, recreational, and cultural sites; and other horizon-building opportunities for 68 youth. 40 youth received paid internships. Primary funders: Oregon youth development division (oydd) future ready and oydd Community investment.
Small business promotion: promoted small business in Warm Springs through small business education (over 30 clients served), workforce development training (over 30 trainees, in wscat's twisted teepee food cart and painted pony cafe), and the development of a capital project to create a small business incubator, food cart pod, and commercial kitchen in downtown Warm Springs. Primary funder: administration for native americans.
Wscat provides programs and services in a wide variety of areas, including skatepark development, agriculture, art, business development, the move and renovation of the historical old commissary building in Warm Springs, energy efficiency, financial education, a tax aide program for individuals needing help filing their taxes, and other workforce and youth development programs.