Program areas at United Way of Indian River County
United Way of Indian River County (uwirc) is a locally governed and managed nonporfit organizaton consisting of nine full-time and three part-time staff and run by a 22 member all volunteer board of directors. Uwirc is one of approximately 1,100 locally run United Way affiliates around the world. Last year over approximately 1,000 volunteers from the community helped further United Way's activities and goals. Not only does uwirc partner with agencies that help people and positively impact this community, but uwirc is commited to providing opportunities, resources, and support for organizations and initiatives important to our community. Uwirc provides a variety of value-added services for the good of the community, below is more detail on all of these supports. In fy 23-24, uwirc invested 1,533,926 in 501(c)(3) organizations through the traditional community investment process (largely in Indian River County) and other collaboratives and initiatives serving irc. As our community continues to be impacted by socioeconomic factors because of the covid-19 pandemic, United Way worked to keep families fed, healthy, and in their homes. Much of the work was focused on strategic distribution of community investment and amreican rescue program funds. Uwirc led the effort to leverage local coordination and support to disseminate these critical resources to keep families safe, healthy, and in their homes.
Uwirc runs an annual campaign, coordinates a community investment process through an open rfp funding process, runs the volunteer income tax assistance program, manages and runs the United Way center which houses our community room, board room and a non- profit incubation center. In addition, our staff sit on a great many community commitees. Uwirc's non-profit incubation center provides free office space, office furniture, desktop computer systems and internet in 5 offices. Estimated value - 25,200. Volunteer income tax assistance (vita): in our thirteenth year of operating the vita program, a total of 1,863 tax returns were processed for qualifying residents of Indian River County at no cost to the clients, bringing more than 1,600,000 in refunds to local residents. In addition, the equivalent cost savings to clients for this free tax service is 384,340. United Way partners with singlecare (formerly familywize) to proivde community members with access to affordable prescription medications, ensuring greater health and financial stability. Provides disaster recovery assistance by manging esf15 (emergency support function - managing volunteers & donations) for Indian River County's emergency operations center. In fy 23-24 uwirc has played a lead role in several community-wide initiatives and projects including: affordable housing taskforce, Indian River County senior collaborative, the access to justice initiative and continued its active participation in mental health collaborative, chs community partnership school at dodgertown, and the moonshot community action network. Additionally, almost all uwirc staff serve on boards, committees, collaboratives, initiatives and projects in Indian River County and the treasure coast.