Program areas at NAHH
Todos juntos: all of us research program, is part of The groundbreaking effort of The National institutes of Health (nih) to gather Health data from one million or more people living in The united states, and follow their Health over ten or more years with The ultimate goal of advancing science and accelerating Health research and improving Health. All of us will serve as a National research resource to inform thousands of studies and foster Health discoveries, covering a wide variety of Health conditions.
Let's prevent diabetes/prevengamos la diabetes (cdc): this program addressed prediabetes and The disproportionate burden of type 2 diabetes among Hispanic adults in six distinct communities across The united states. Local community-based organizations (cbo) partner sites launched cdc's National diabetes prevention program (lifestyle change program) for those at risk for diabetes using cdc's 12-month prevent t2 curriculum/prevenga el t2 currculo. Participants, grouped into cohorts and led by certified lifestyle coaches, aimed to achieve a 5-7% weight loss, increase regular physical activity, and decrease their risk for type 2 diabetes. Collectively, partner sites delivered nearly 330 cohorts and enrolled nearly 5,000 participants during The 6-year initiative. Nearly 56% of participants who completed The program reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes based on meeting program target metrics (weight loss, a1c and/or bmi reduction).
Vacunas para todos: National Hispanic network works to increase vaccination coverage and eliminate gaps in coverage. Vacunas represents a powerful science based and community-driven response to gaps in vaccination. The Alliance along with 16 leading Hispanic community-based organizations have developed The vacunas rapid response infrastructure to meet emerging National and local needs to (1) increase acceptance of approved flu and covid-19 vaccination among hispanics, and (2) increase access to approved flu and covid-19 culturally and linguistically congruent immunization services in Hispanic communities and other underserved populations.
Nuestras voices (our voices) network program (cdc): this program addressed The threats of tobacco use and The impact of tobacco-related cancers on The nation's Health and well-being, with a particular focus on eliminating gaps in underserved Hispanic communities across The u.s. one of eight cdc-funded National networks, nuestras voces worked with regional lead agencies to implement population-specific and public health-oriented strategies which included connecting Hispanic communities to culturally congruent and linguistically appropriate tobacco and cancer services; delivering training and technical assistance on tobacco and cancer evidenced-based interventions and promising practices tailored for Hispanic communities; and, increasing awareness of cancer prevention, treatment and survivorship. In total, The network delivered 25 webinars and trainings that reached 2,703 service providers and expanded its membership to over 700 state and local tobacco and cancer control programs and public Health departments.nuestras voices adelante (our voices moving forward) network program (cdc): this tobacco and cancer control and prevention program is designed to expand upon The original nuestras voces network program. Plans for this project focus on expanding The capacity of regional lead community-based partner agencies to reduce The impact of tobacco and cancer-related Health disparities in Hispanic communities and advance Health for all. Another major component focuses on leading a community of practice for state Health departments and other multi-sectoral partners to advance Health for all through The identification and use of evidence-based interventions, promising practices, and training and technical assistance that accelerate The reduction of tobacco use and tobacco-related cancers.nuestras comunidades (our communities): advancing place-based opportunity ecosystems. This effort advanced The practice of human services with a focus on reducing gaps and fostering opportunity for all families and communities. The Alliance created a training program to foster innovation at Hispanic serving community-based organizations to help deliver comprehensive support to children and families to advance educational achievement and economic security. The program developed innovative tools and approaches to help organizations move beyond The constraints of categorical funding to develop tailored and integrated approaches to supporting children, families, and communities.nuestro futuro (our voices): preventing Hispanic youth tobacco addiction: this policy and research effort brought together community and National expertise to develop a community-driven action plan and report to The nation, peer reviewed journal research publication, and changemaker briefs to address The tobacco tipping point among Hispanic youth and secure a healthier future for all.