Program areas at SRI International
Information and computing sciences (ics) performs scientific research to create solutions to pressing problems related to national security and human health by leveraging artificial intelligence, speech and natural language, perception and visual sciences, computational biology, robotics, and cyber security. Pushing the boundaries of computing, ics employs new technologies to solve client problems through contract research, technology licensing, and venture creation. Our staff members collaborate within Sri, and also with diverse university and industry partners.
The advanced technology and systems division (atsd) manages complex projects for government and non-government clients from basic research to advanced systems and product development. The division advances scientific research in diverse areas such as chemistry, physics, and materials science; geospatial studies, space and marine technology; surveillance and remote sensing; applied optics and secure circuits; and robotics, medical devices, and nanotechnology. Atsd is organized around four centers: applied sciences including optoelectronic systems and quantum sensing, space and survivability including advanced radar systems and energetic materials, surveillance including rf and ocean systems, and applied technology including robotics and radar engineering.
The integrated systems and solutions division (insys) develops and transitions technology and intellectual property from lab demonstrations to fielded, supported systems by leveraging a disciplined system engineering approach integrated with certified structured development and quality processes. Our teams design leading-edge imaging technologies and systems that end-users depend on every day.
Sri engages in a broad range of other scientific research initiatives in furtherance of its exempt mission, including education, biosciences, corporate research group, and future concepts. The education division undertakes a research-based analysis of educational outcomes and reforms and the impacts of technology on learning. Researchers address problems posed by complex issues in education policy, technology in learning, and learning and development. Programs help identify trends, understand outcomes, and develop policy and practice solutions to the challenges posed by rapid social, technological and economic change. The biosciences division works with academic, foundations, government, and other clients and partners to bring new medicines, diagnostics, therapeutics and devices to market through basic research, pharmaceutical discovery, preclinical development and clinical translation. Researchers solve important problems in disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, targeting important unmet needs in healthcare and saving and improving lives worldwide. The corporate research group (crg) comprising the center for innovation strategy and policy (cisp) and the nomura Sri innovation center (nsic) leads innovation services efforts at Sri. Cisp works with us federal, state, regional and local government entities to assess, build and activate technology-based innovation policy and workforce development efforts. Cisp also advises International clients on innovation strategy objectives. Nsic works with japanese corporate clients to assess and grow corporate 'intrepreneurship' efforts supporting corporate innovation objectives. The future concepts division focuses on solutions from basic research through real-world applications by creating and maturing breakthrough technologies related to climate, energy and sustainability as well as intelligent human-machine systems.