Program areas at SCCOMADC
Recovery coaching:safe communities manages a recovery coaching/peer support program for people struggling with addiction. Recovery coaches are people in recovery themselves who have received training to link coachees with resources to address domestic violence, attain educational goals, gain access to benefits, foster self care, strengthen and mend relationships with family and friends, access transportation and pregnancy and parenting supports. Safe communities partners with hospital emergency rooms, addiction treatment and primary care providers, Community organizations, jails and prisons to match recovery coaches with people seeking recovery.
Traffic safety:safe communities launches annual traffic safety campaigns thanks to much planning and input from many Community members and traffic safety stakeholders. Neighborhoods, police departments, citizen groups, local transportation agencies, and interested citizens are invited to "plug into" these campaigns by organizing their own activities. Planning kits for each of the campaigns include ideas for local projects, as well as sample newsletter articles and other resources. For each of these campaigns, the Safe Community Coalition raises funds, provides planning and logistical support, and coordinates media and public education efforts.
Drug poisoning prevention: the african american opioid Coalition (aaoc) of Safe communities is a Coalition of black leaders representing organizations with a role to play to prevent drug harm in Dane County's black Community. Activities include meddrop sundays, a partnership between black churches and law enforcement to offer Safe collection and disposal of unwanted medicines after church services; and distribution of medication lock boxes at Community events to encourage Safe storage and prevent diversion of prescription medicines. Safe communities manages the meddrop program, which, through a partnership of police departments and health and safety organizations, offers Dane County residents 14 locations to safely drop off unused medicines. Through the ending deaths from despair task force, convened by the Dane County executive and staffed by Safe communities, 30 diverse partner organizations are collaborating to prevent drug harm through public webinars and education, distribution of naloxone and fentanyl test strips, special outreach to at-risk groups.
Suicide prevention:safe communities is coordinating a zero suicide partnership that includes all area health care systems, as well as Community organizations with a role to play in suicide prevention. Safe communities offers a free gatekeeper training where participants learn the warning signs for suicide, how to offer hope, and how to seek help to save a life. Safe communities launched a replication of new hampshire's project connect guns shop project in 2016. Falls prevention:the Safe communities falls prevention task force collaborates to find ways to reduce falls among older adults in our Community at both the system and grassroots levels. Thanks to the efforts of Safe communities falls prevention task force members and partner organizations, resources are available in Dane County to help older adults stay Safe and independent.