Program areas at Mobile Loaves & Fishes
Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Inc. ("mlf") is a christian outreach ministry that empowers communities into a lifestyle of service with the homeless. Mlf's mission is to provide food and clothing, cultivate community and promote dignity to our homeless brothers and sisters in need. Delivering more than a sandwich, Mobile Loaves & Fishes' food truck volunteers hit the streets 7 nights a week, 365 days a year to provide food, clothing, hygiene products and other life-sustaining items to our homesless neighbors. With the support of more than 30,729 volunteers and over 6.4 million meals served, Mobile Loaves & Fishes is the largest prepared feeding program to the homeless and working poor in austin, Texas.
Community works provides micro-enterprise opportunities that enable men and women who are coming out of chronic homelessness to use their god-given talents to earn a dignified income. In addition, the program empowers Mobile Loaves & Fishes volunteers to serve alongside and build enduring relationships with our friends as they develop new skills. Micro-enterprise opportunities currently available through community works include gardening, art, hospitality, groundskeeping, housekeeping, janitorial, and other jobs.
The relationships developed through mlf's truck ministry are often the beginning of a journey home for the homeless. Community first! Village is a 51-acre master planned community that provides affordable, permanent housing and a supportive community for the chronically homeless in austin, Texas. The development is currently undergoing a significant expansion which will add 127 more acres and room for 1,400 more homes. Since 2005, this transformative residential program has been a staple of Mobile Loaves & Fishes and has become the largest community-based model in the country lifting homeless men and women up off the streets into community and home.