Program areas at Middlesex United Way
Education: our vision: students succeed academically. Local investment: Middlesex United Way focuses on school readiness, parent education, and family literacy. Middlesex United Way's school readiness initiative works with schools, early childcare providers, parents, and community members throughout Middlesex county to ensure young children are school ready and have access to resources that support social and emotional development. In addition, Middlesex United Way supports family and adult literacy programs. Muw partner: middletown adult education even start literacy program Middlesex United Way helped fund the program with the goal to give parents better support to further their own academic endeavors. One parent in the program completed her ged and graduated in june 2022. A second parent is expected to graduate this year and demonstrated an 18-point scale score gain on her goals reading test. Muw partner: opportunity knocks: mental health consultation the mhc provides professional development with teachers using the circle of security parenting (cos) curriculum. This allows teachers to better understand a student's motives for behavior and recognize miscues that could negatively impact his or her learning. A local teacher in the program was able to successfully understand a student's unique needs after several behavioral issues and keep that student engaged in the classroom. Financial stability: our vision: individuals and families are economically stable. Local investment: Middlesex United Way focuses on job training and employment supports, basic needs, and tax preparation assistance. Middlesex United Way supports programs that provide basic needs for the community, like nutritious food and employment services. Middlesex United Way also provides leadership and support to the Middlesex vita (volunteer income tax assistance) coalition. Vita provides free income tax preparation services to low- and moderate-income families and increases the number of households that access the tax credits they have earned. Muw partner: shoreline soup kitchens and pantries during the 2021-2022 grant period Middlesex food pantries in clinton, westbrook, and old saybrook provided enough food for 892,530 meals. Those same pantries served more than 6,000 individuals. Middlesex food pantries in clinton, westbrook, and old saybrook distributed 1,194,172 pounds of food during the 2021-2022 grant cycle. Muw partner: st. vincent de paul middletown amazing grace food pantry was able to distribute a grand total of 2,456,910 pounds of food during the 2021-2022 grant cycle. 1,920 individuals received groceries by shopping at the food pantry or via delivery. 337 individual children received weekly backpack foods. Health and wellness: our vision: youth and adults avoid risky behaviors, and individuals and families are healthy and safe. Local investment: Middlesex United Way focuses on positive youth development, substance abuse prevention and treatment, and mental health services. Middlesex United Way also supports health and wellness services in the community, including mental health services, counseling, substance abuse services, sexual assault crisis services, and programs that help adults with disabilities thrive. Muw partner: women & families center advocates assisted an lgbtq adult victim who had experienced multiple sexual assaults. She was able to setup counseling services and meet with an advocate regularly. She was given support and guidance to file for victim compensation benefits from several states where the assaults had occurred. While attending the middletown pride event, the survivor told wfc advocates she felt "liberated" to be herself and has more freedom now that she had the opportunity to talk about her past trauma. Muw partner: marc community resources because of covid-19 many individuals involved in the marc recreation programs were unable to participate in everyday activities and socialize. This past fall, sal was able to attend a uconn football game with vip passes for suite seats. It gave sal a chance to have fun and experience a bit of normalcy after so much isolation. On the drive home sal was asked if he had fun. His response: "it was like i was on vacation" housing: our vision: everyone has safe and affordable housing. Local investment: Middlesex United Way focuses on homelessness prevention, emergency shelter, supportive housing, and affordable housing. We support programs throughout the county that provide safe emergency housing as well as services and supports to ensure individuals and families can remain safely and stably housed. In 2022 Middlesex United Way helped sponsor a habitat for humanity veterans build: upon returning to Connecticut from active duty, roberto and julia gonzalez could not find an affordable place to live. They moved into a small apartment with family that was unsafe due to mold issues. They applied for a habitat veterans build house and moved into their home in middlefield in may 2022. Middlesex United Way also partners with columbus house, Inc. to provide housing to those in need in our communities. The support from these programs has helped change many lives: a single mother of five was approved for a three-bedroom unit on green street in 2020. She and her family have remained there for two years. With the support of columbus house Inc. she is now working full-time, has obtained childcare, and has access to mental health services. Her case manager reports: "i have seen a tremendous change and growth in this client compared to when she first arrived at the shelter in 2020 at the beginning of covid. She has gradually become more independent and resourceful." Racial equity & inclusion: our vision: individuals and families live in an anti-racist, equitable, and inclusive community. Muw partner: steam train Inc. an african american single mother of three, who lives in middletown, is a student in the fast track program, which provides technology training to people of color. She has now successfully completed the google it certificate (ahead of schedule) and will be placed in an apprenticeship role in the near future. Muw partner: health equity solutions health equity ensures that all people have access to optimal health despite their race, ethnicity, culture, or socioeconomic status. In the 2021-2022 grant cycle hes has grown its partnerships and has completed three workshops on "connecticut's path to equity." It also scheduled eight community conversations about these topics. Muwpartner: shiloh baptist community development corp. shiloh baptist cdc aims to close the gap between the community's senior citizens and advanced technology by providing devices, setup, and training. 23 individuals were successfully trained. This training allowed these seniors to access telehealth visits and much-needed community resources online. Local investment: Middlesex United Way is funding its first set of grants dedicated to racial equity and inclusion in fy2021-22. 2-1-1 and 9-8-8 information and referral: Middlesex United Way supports Connecticut's United Way 2-1-1 system, an information and referral service that is available 24 hours, 7 days a week by dialing 2-1-1. United Way 2-1 -1 handled 365,000 calls in 2020 and over 2.7 million web requests, including over 16,000 calls from Middlesex county. Top requests statewide are for health se rvice s, housing, and employment. A 9-8-8 suicide and crisis hotline was rolled out earlier this month across the country and here in Connecticut. The goal is to provide a simple and easy to remember phone number in hopes of providing a lifeline to those going through a difficult time. Here in Connecticut the 9-8-8 number gets forwarded to 211 and all calls will be answered by a trained professional. The former hotline (800 number) and 2-1-1 will remain active so people can continue to call those numbers if they are not familiar with the new hotline.