Program areas at MEarth
CUSD | In our CUSD program, staff supports Carmel Unified School District teachers to bring traditional classroom learning to life at the Hilton Bilek Habitat. Taking advantage of eight distint habitat laboratoris , as well as the LEED Certified green building, staff collaborate with classroom teachers to create science and culinary-based cirricula that comploment Science, Math, Social Studies, 6th grade CORE, and World language classes.
Facilities Stewardship - In exchange for use of the 10-acre Hilton Bialek Habitat facility, MEarth provides property maintenance and upkeep services to Carmel Unified School District. "Facility stewardship" revenue is the amount paid to MEarth by CUSD on a monthly basis that is considered the difference between the value of the use of the land and the services rendered to the district. Details of this 10 year arrangement are outlined in the Facility Use Agreement, approved by the CUSD Board and MEarth on December 16, 2020. According to the contract, for 10 years from the signature date of the contract, "CUSD will pay $34,000 per year annually in 12 monthly payments adjusted annually for inflation per the California CPI for Northern California or 1.5% whichever is less."
Community |Healthy, connected, resilient communities are the foundation to a sustainable future. Our CommunityConnect program provides opportunities for local residents to learn more about how we can better care for ourselves,our communities, and our environment. We offerculinary and garden workshops, speaker series, sustainable chef dinner series, community restoration events, eco-volunteerism, and supporting environmental sustainability through community partnerships.