Program areas at HSI
END THE CRUELEST PRACTICES END FACTORY FARMING: CAGE AND CRATE FREE & PLANT BASED EATING * HSI continued to lead the global movement to end the lifelong confinement of egg-laying hens in battery cages in 2023 by working with companies around the world to adopt cage-free egg procurement policies. HSI also continued to promote plant-based eating worldwide. Corporate and institutional commitments in South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, and across Southeast Asia continued to drive change in egg and pork producer companies, retailers and distributors, resulting in better conditions for hundreds of thousands of farmed chickens and pigs. (Continued to Schedule O)
BUILD A STRONGER ANIMAL PROTECTION MOVEMENT * HSI works to bolster the capacity of governments and animal protection organizations and advocates globally. For example, HSI trained veterinarians on quality spay-neuter techniques in Bolivia; and HSI provided dozens of trainings to over 2,000 professionals in Mexico, Central America, Europe, and elsewhere. Through these programs we trained law enforcement, government and NGO officers who deal with animal cruelty cases-including police, veterinarians, prosecutors, border control, 911 emergency services responders, and firefighters.
CARE FOR ANIMALS IN CRISIS COMPANION ANIMALS: STREET DOGS & OTHER * HSI provided spay-neuter, vaccinations and veterinary care to hundreds of dogs and cats in South Africa, Romania, Bolivia, and Chile, including providing critical services for cats living in a prison yard and dogs living at a massive landfill. WILDLIFE: ELEPHANT IMMUNOCONTRACEPTION In South Africa in 2023, HSI expanded its work with reserves. HSI now works with 48 reserves to administer an immunocontraception vaccine to over 1,670 female elephants to humanely manage population sizes. (Continued on Schedule O)