Program areas at Headwaters
Residential/Supported Living Services are designed to maximize a person's ability to manage everyday life skills in their homes and within their communities. People seek out our services for a wide variety of reasons. Through this program, individuals grow to have more meaningful lives outside of their employment and day supports. These services can include interpersonal skills, safety skills, travel training, personal hygiene and health skills, daily living skills coaching, and community connections. These services can range from a few hours a week to 24/7 supports. During 2022, Supported Living Services served 15 Supported Home Care individuals, 3 Community Supported Living individuals, 1 - 24/7 residential individual and provided housing counseling to 8 individuals. Over the course of the year, Headwaters, Inc. Supported Living Coaches provided meaningful and active supports and used strategies to build relationships, natural supports, and genuine inclusion.
Headwaters, Inc. Work Services provides training in soft skills and other work skills that lead to successful employment in our work area and in the community. Work Services are designed to maximize a person's ability to gain skills for productivity. Work services provides a variety of jobs in our production area that help individuals develop necessary skills for employment. Jobs in the work area include shredding, packaging, assembly, collating/mailings, quality control and janitorial. In 2022, Work Services included 38 individuals in the work area. 3 new assembly jobs were added to help individuals work on a variety of job skills. Community Contracts provided work experiences in the community in group settings. Out of the 38 individuals in work services, 8 individuals worked outside of the building. Participants worked at the Armory National Guard cleaning. Individuals cleaned weekly at the National Guard Armory and worked on cleaning and building/lawn maintenance at 6 waysides in Forest, Vilas and Oneida counties. In addition, Headwaters, Inc. work service program also maintained 2 boat landings, 6 Wisconsin Valley Improvement sites in Lincoln County, and maintains lawncare at Wisconsin Department of Transportation and their sign shop. Work Services individuals enjoyed learning new skills, learning to take pride in their work, working as individuals and as a team.
Headwaters, Inc. Community Based Day Services supports people in a wide range of meaningful opportunities to address individual needs, goals, and interests. Community Based Day Services are designed to maximize a person's ability to manage everyday life activities in their community. Through this program, individuals grow to become more active members of their communities and gain skills to achieve their fullest potential. In 2022, 39 individuals participated in skill building activities in the communities of Vilas, Forest, and Oneida counties. 36 of those individuals participated at volunteer sites such as: the local Food Pantry, Churches and Camp American Legion. Day Services also partners with a local church for the community closet. Day Services manages and collects donations brought to the community closet for families in need. 2 students participated in the 11-week FOCUS Plus program. This program was offered to transition age youth during the summer months. 7 individuals participated in the Jump!Start program. This is a post-secondary program where participants gain essential skills needed to become successful employees.
HEADWATERS, INC. is a non-profit community-based services agency with over 50 years of experience providing services for people with disabilities throughout northern Wisconsin. We support people to have a meaningful life by working and contributing to their communities. Our services include Community Based Day Services, Prevocational Training, Community Employment Services, Residential Community Supported Living, Educational Supports, and Transition Services.