Program areas at Family Ties Family Resource Services
Wrap around programs are provided to victims of crime, with a specialization in work with child victims. This program includes intervention for child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, bullying and homicide. Wrap around Services include crisis intervention, safety planning, therapeutic counseling, advocacy, accompaniment, information and referral and a 24-hour hotline service.
Client support programs are an extended component of the wrap around Services, which includes job readiness, employment retention, and financial stability coaching as well as flexible funding support allocated to assist victims of crime through "freedom from violence" funds to provide temporary emergency lodging to victims leaving abuse; individuals experiencing poverty in avoiding homelessness by providing rental and utilities support; avoid food instability; assistance with medical, psychiatric, and medication to avoid medical and mental health instability; and funding for fuel and minor car repair to avoid loss of employment and attend social Services, judicial, medical and counseling appointments. These lifesaving supports allow individuals to overcome barriers to stability and regain control of their lives.
Youth/young adult transitional programs include the drop-in-center which provides a safe space for youth/young adults ages 14 to 18 to come to if they feel unsafe, need emotional support, or are searching for who they want to become. Also included is the mueller house transition housing program provided to people ages 17 to 22 to reduce drop-out rates of high schoolers due to physical and emotional violence, homelessness which could lead to unsafe environments, sex/labor trafficking, and survival criminal activities. Instead, these programs support healthy relationships, safe housing, food/nutrition, life skills, self-exploration education/career planning, job readiness/retention, and financial stability.
Primary prevention programs approaches the individual, Family, school, and community levels to address respect, integrity, vision, empathy, healthy relationships, risk reduction, and personal introspection/accountability of potential offending behaviors, therefore stopping violence before it starts. This is accomplished through youth, adults, Family, and community groups that actively challenge behaviors that perpetuate violence.