Program areas at Creative Discovery Museum
The Creative Discovery Museum uses proven, evidence-based principles to engage the senses, inspire exploration and ignite childrens passion for learning. While some guests may view a visit to the Museum as merely a fun outing, research has long proven that play is the work of childhood. Through play children gain mental, physical and social skills necessary to succeed in their adult lives. In 2023 the Museum served over 322,000 individuals through Museum visits, educational programs, free and reduced-price admissions and much more
The Museum is committed to being as accessible as possible to families. Each year cdm provides more than 50,000 free or discounted admissions. The Museum is free to the public on the 2nd thursday evening of each month. Every year more than 15,000 visitors take advantage of the museums for all program which allows anyone with an ebt or food stamp card to be admitted for 3. Cdm also provides free admission for a range of social service organizations such as big brothers, big sisters. A current strategic goal is to welcome children of all backgrounds and cultures to the Museum and increase their global awareness and cultural literacy through exhibits and programs. Cdm published social stories, made sensory accomodating materials available to guests, and provided programs such as free sensory friendly nights. The Museum also hosted club Discovery, an inclusive after-school program designed to provide a framework to explore the world in a safe environment for children with and without special needs, and friends Discovery camp, a summer camp similar to club Discovery.
The Museum achieves its mission first through its permanent exhibition program focusing on arts, sciences, early childhood, health and the environment and through traveling exhibits that complement and supplement the education content of its core exhibits. Cdm traditionally offers a wide array of education programs within the Museum that complement and enhance the exhibits including science theater demonstrations, infant and toddler development classes, home school workshops, summer camps, a teen volunteer program, inclusive activities for children with special needs, art performances and demonstrations, special event days and walk-in activities. Additionally, cdm supports the local schools with a variety of education programs including school tours at the Museum, school outreach lessons, and family nights as well as professional development workshops for teachers. Annually, the Museum serves approximately 40,000 students per