Program areas at Community Foundation of Utah
The Community Foundation of Utah (cfu) is Utah's partner in philanthropy, pioneering innovation and collaboration to invest in our Community today for a brighter tomorrow. Cfu seeks The best emerging ideas in philanthropy and partners with individuals, corporations, and foundations to help communities progress. The future needs of The Community are unclear; however, cfu has a unique opportunity to positively influence The future of giving by actively engaging all stakeholders in strategic philanthropy. By fostering a collaborative mindset and educating funders and nonprofits on The value of long-term investments and collective funding, we seek to decrease The disparity and gaps in utahs social sector to meet Community needs. Since our establishment in 2008, cfu has facilitated over 550 million in grants to over 11,000 nonprofit organizations in areas as diverse as our fundholders - from arts and culture to animal welfare, and from education to The environment - all to support utahs social sector. Cfu is also a critical partner in Community initiatives to strengthen our social impact sector. These include grantmaking and donor engagement initiatives, Community leadership programs, and Community impact funds. Community programs grantmaking and donor engagement - cfu provides donor facilitations centered on identifying core motivational values and engaging donors in meaningful grantmaking. Customized services help clarify guiding principles, develop giving objectives, and create evaluation rubrics for giving. Utah grantmakers alliance - cfu facilitates The Utah grantmakers alliance, which provides opportunities for grantmakers, private foundations, and donor-advised fundholders to connect with peers and explore strategies for more effective, meaningful, and engaged philanthropy. Give for good - through The give for good initiative, cfu cultivates opportunities for next-generation philanthropists to deepen their knowledge and networks within philanthropy, foster strategic frameworks for grantmaking, align shared values and giving styles, and engage in collective philanthropy. Invest in success - each year, cfu hosts invest in success, a week-long leadership development initiative for executive directors and emerging nonprofit leaders. Since 2012, this program has provided capacity-building support for nonprofit organizations across Utah. Qualified organizations often serve low-income populations and face significant barriers of time or discretionary funds to access leadership development opportunities. Cfu provides an intense and immersive experience including training on organizational strategy, personnel management, organizational finance and sustainability, and change management. Social sector sabbatical - cfu believes an organizations ability to attract, develop, and retain exceptional talent is instrumental in driving impact. To strengthen and invest in social sector leadership, cfu developed a sabbatical program for nonprofit leaders. The sabbatical program is an immersive experience offering leaders time away from their daily responsibilities to reset, consider bold solutions to persistent challenges, and build collaborative peer relationships. Morgan stanley Community development graduate fellowship - as part of cfu's broader strategy to attract, develop, and retain top talent in Utah's nonprofit sector, cfu coordinates The morgan stanley Community development graduate fellowship. In partnership with morgan stanley, cfu pairs six Utah graduate students with local nonprofit organizations for a 10-month fellowship to develop skills, build networks, and receive hands-on experience in Community development work. Pay for success - cfu serves an integral role in an innovative funding model that drives government resources toward social programs that provide measurable results. Mission-driven investors cover The upfront programming costs, and if The predetermined goals are achieved, The government repays The investors. Community impact funds great salt lake watershed enhancement trust - The great salt lake watershed enhancement trust was formed in response to The water level of The great salt lake hitting a historic low in 2022, threatening The economic, environmental, and public health of Utah. As part of a multifaceted effort to protect The lake, The Utah state legislature unanimously passed hb 410, authorizing The establishment of a 40 million water trust to enhance water quantity and quality in The great salt lake and create lasting infrastructure to preserve an iconic and invaluable part of our state. Cfu serves as The fiscal steward for The great salt lake watershed enhancement trust and partners with The national audubon society and The nature conservancythe co-managers of The trustto support this instrumental, strategic effort to sustain The great salt lake. Silicon slopes computer science fund - The silicon slopes computer science fund was created to help ensure that every child in Utah has The opportunity to learn critical computer science skills needed to unlock their full potential. In response to The needs of our Community, cfu developed The silicon slopes computer science fund to provide funding for quantifiable and lasting k-12 computer science outcomes for educators and learners across The state. The silicon slopes computer science fund enables individuals, corporations, and foundations to contribute donations to invest in a collective strategy that benefits students, teachers, and Utah long-term. Utah impact partnership fund - The Utah impact partnership fund was formed as an extension of The Utah impact partnership to systemically address homelessness statewide through innovative, strategic, and collective efforts. The Utah impact partnership fund plays a key role in Utah's united response to homelessness, working in close coordination with The Utah homelessness council to identify impactful and timely projects that will help address homelessness across The state.