Program areas at CWF
Environmental justice and health. Programs to protect communities of color and safeguard public health by reducing exposure to toxic chemicals and health threatening pollution: advancing "upstream" soultions to keep toxic chemicals out of consumer products and cosmetics. Protecting vulnerable populations, especially childern, from toxic harm, recognizing their increased sensitivity.
Sustainable energy and climate change. Programs address a braod range of water-energy concerns: toxic Water pollution from power plants, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, Water and air pollution form fossil fuel production and use, including drilling and fracking for oil and gas, smart growth, transportation and sustainable development, energy efficiency, conservation and renewable energy development.
Promoting Clean Water, from watershed to Water tap. Programs to protect and promote Clean Water and healthy communities through; "upstearm" pollution prevention to protect drinking Water sources and keep toxics out of our Water. Energy choices that protect Water and create jobs, stronger protections from pollution due to fossil fuel development and power palnt operation. Controls on pollution from farms and from paved surfaces and lawns in developed areas. Smarter Water systems and green infrastructure to manage and conserve Water. Increased investment to improve systems and infrastructure for Water protection, treatment and distribution, and strengtehn drinking Water source protection.
Waste prevention & other reducing waste at the source, preventing generation of trash, promoting programs to reduce the use of single-use disposable products.promoting producer responsibility initiatives to require product manaufacturers to assume responsibility for safe management of their products after their useful life is completed, including "take back" recycling programs. Promoting fiscally and environmentally sound solutions for managing waste that minimize impactson the environment and promote re-use and composting alternatives instead of disposal.