Program areas at American Society for Nutrition
Asn publications: the Nutrition science collection contains four pre-eminent journals and reaches over 50 million around the world annually.journal of Nutrition - published monthly to enhance the dissemination of scientific knowledge of Nutrition. Journal of clinical Nutrition - the primary focus of the ajcn is the publication of basic and clinical studies relevant to human nutrition.the American journal of clinical Nutrition publishes stellar peer-reviewed, original clinical research contributed by scientists throughout the world.advances in Nutrition - the top ranked annual multi-issue Nutrition reviews journal in the world and current developments in Nutrition.
Society advancement- membership helps Nutrition scientists develop professionally, discover new opportunities and increase their impact in the fields of Nutrition and clinical Nutrition. This program reaches out to potential new members both individually and corporately. The American Society for Nutrition currently serves approximately 8,500 scientists and practitioners.council designated funds/awards - an aggregation of research projects, scientific workshops, meetings, symposia and awards to young scientists to assist in their training and expand the knowledge of all scientists.nutrition notes - a quarterly newsletter that brings information on educational and scientific programs sponsored by the Society to the attention of its approximately 8,500 members and other Nutrition scientists.
Annual conference: our flagship annual conference on Nutrition is the premier gathering of professionals interested in the interdisciplinary field of Nutrition science and practice. Nutrition 2023 put the spotlight on research advances, new innovations, and current controversies, and provided invaluable opportunities to meet up and network with the Nutrition community from across the globe. The quality of the science presented was excellent, abstracts were the second highest in asn history, diverse Nutrition content, immersive learning experience, social and networking events were expanded and attendance was strong.
Education and professional development - asn was established to develop and extend knowledge of Nutrition to promote education and training in Nutrition policy and advocacy and cooperative agreements - the primary focus is to establish and maintain liaison with key members of congress, their staff and coordinates and increase asn's participation in advocacy coalitions and represent asn with federal agencies such as nih, fda, epa, etc.
Science policy and advocacy and cooperative agreements - the primary focus is to establish and maintain liaison with key members of congress, their staff and coordinates and increase asn's participation in advocacy coalitions and represent asn with federal agencies such as nih, fda, epa, etc.