EIN 36-3261413

Allina Health

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
Allina Health is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of illness and enhancing the greater health of individuals, families and communities throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Allina Health is a not-for-profit health care system that serves communities throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Allina Health cares for patients from beginning to end-of-life through its 90+ clinics, 12 hospitals, 15 retail pharmacies, specialty care centers and specialty medical services, home care, home oxygen and medical equipment and emergency medical transportation services.
Also known as...
Allina Health System; Faribault Medical Center As of 1122; Abbott Northwestern Hospital; River Falls Area Hospital; Cambridge Medical Center; New Ulm Medical Center; Phillips Eye Institute; District One Hospital; Owatonna Hospital; Buffalo Hospital; United Hospital; Regina Hospital
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Allina Health

Providing medical serviceshospital, medical and other Health care servicesallina Health delivers high quality hospital, medical and other Health care services to patients in Minnesota and western Wisconsin. As a mission-driven organization, Allina Health is committed to improving the lifelong Health of the communities it serves. Allina Health provides these services to the community through its family of hospitals to include:abbott northwestern hospital - minneapolis, minnesotalocated in south minneapolis, abbott northwestern is the largest nonprofit hospital in the twin cities. Abbott northwestern serves more than 200,000 patients and their families from across the twin cities and upper midwest per year. The hospital is known across the united states for its centers of excellence: Allina Health cancer institute, minneapolis heart institute, the spine institute, neuroscience institute, orthopedic institute, the mother baby center, and the courage kenny rehabilitation institute. The hospital has a long history of working to improve Health in the community it serves through both charitable giving by the Allina Health foundation - abbott northwestern hospital philanthropic advisory board and programming efforts that address Health needs in the community.buffalo hospital - buffalo, minnesotabuffalo hospital is a non-profit regional medical center committed to providing quality, comprehensive care to patients in and around wright county. Buffalo hospital provides exceptional patient-centered care to nearly 70,000 patients every year. Buffalo hospital was also the first hospital in the state of Minnesota to be awarded the pathway to excellence american nurse credentialing designation and also received an award from the Minnesota business magazine for developing wellness programs. The hospital also has a long history of working to improve the Health of the communities it serves through charitable giving by the buffalo hospital foundation and direct community health-improvement programming. Cambridge medical center - cambridge, minnesotacambridge medical center is a regional Health care facility providing comprehensive Health care services to more than 30,000 residents in isanti county. The medical center is comprised of a large multi-specialty clinic and an 86-bed hospital located on one large campus. A same day clinic, retail pharmacy and eye care center are also located in the facility. The large dedicated team of physicians and providers provide specialty care such as cardiology, oncology, ear nose throat and urology, among others. The medical center has more than 850 employees and is the largest employer in the city of cambridge.allina Health faribault medical center (fka district one hospital) - faribault, mnfaribault medical center, located in faribault, Minnesota, operates 42 beds. The medical center provides a broad range of Health care services, including orthopedic services, physical therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, adult mental Health outpatient services, cancer services and a birth center.mercy hospital - coon rapids, minnesotamercy hospital has two campuses - the mercy campus in coon rapids and unity campus in fridley. Mercy offers a wide range of specialty services, including award-winning Virginia piper cancer institute, the mother baby center, mental Health care, emergency services, surgical services and top-rated cardiovascular care through the hospital's nationally known heart & vascular center. Additionally, the hospital was named one of the nation's 100 top hospitals and 50 top cardiovascular hospitals by truven Health analytics. Other services include medical surgical care, cancer care, emergency services and mental Health and addiction services including geriatric mental Health. Unity also offers a complete array of Health education and support groups to patients and the community. Mercy hospital has a long history of working to improve Health in the communities it serves through charitable giving by Allina Health and the mercy hospital foundation and programming that addresses Health needs in the community. New ulm medical center - new ulm, minnesotanew ulm medical center (numc) is a nonprofit hospital with clinics in new ulm, springfield, lamberton and winthrop. The hospital offers an extensive range of care options with more than 70 affiliated physicians and nurse practitioner/physician assistant providers and a full complement of visiting specialists. Among the many important services Allina Health offers to this rural region are obstetrics, surgery, mental health/addiction, home care, hospice and emergency medical services. In 2021, numc was named one of the top 100 critical access hospitals in the united states by the chartis center for rural Health for the 10th time. Owatonna hospital - owatonna, minnesotaowatonna hospital provides comprehensive care to patients in and around steele county. The hospital has specialties in surgery and trauma care and a comprehensive array of outpatient rehabilitation services. The hospital is physically connected to mayo clinic Health System - owatonna clinic and benedictine living community - owatonna, an 80-bed long- and short-term care facility. The owatonna Health care campus bridges inpatient and outpatient services within the same medical disciplines to create seamless patient care.river falls area hospital - river falls, wisconsinriver falls area hospital is a non-profit Health System dedicated to the prevention and treatment of illness. The river falls healthcare campus includes the river falls area hospital, Allina Health river falls clinic, a number of specialty provider partners and the kinnic Health & rehab facility. Its focus is to deliver exceptional Health care, support services, and preventive care - putting the patient first in everything. The hospital also has a long history of working to improve Health in the community it serves through programs and services that respond to the Health needs of the community. United hospital - st. paul, minnesotain august 2022, united hospital in st. paul, Minnesota, and regina hospital in hastings, Minnesota, aligned under one hospital license with two east metro campuses. They are now known as united hospital and united hospital - hastings regina campus. Together, the two campuses annually serve more than 250,000 patients. United hospital - st. paul campus is one of the largest hospitals in the twin cities east metro area. United's employees and medical staff are committed to place patient needs first and treating all individuals with compassion and respect. Highly regarded for its clinical care, united has earned a reputation for supportive, patient-centered care designed to create the most comfortable, stress-free Health care experience possible. United hospital - hastings regina campus serves the community by providing exceptional care, preventing illness, restoring Health and providing comfort to patients.allina Health also provides services to the community through its family of clinics. With more than 90 clinics throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin, we provide primary care, specialty care and urgent care services to people in more than 40 communities. Allina and its subsidiaries provide a full range of primary and specialty Health care services including technically advanced inpatient and outpatient care, 24-hour emergency care, medical transportation, pharmacy, laboratory, home care and hospice services. More than 750 Health care practitioner's help patients identify Health risks, manage chronic illness and find their path to better Health. Allina Health also operates additional services which include:home care, hospice and palliative caremedical laboratoriesmedical transportation pharmacyphysical rehabilitationin 2023, Allina Health expended almost $4 billion to provide services to patients that included 10,400,000 clinic visits, 93,531 inpatient admissions and 1,200,000 hospital outpatient visits. There were more than 345,000 emergency care visits, 94,000 surgeries, and over 101,000 ambulance transfers at Allina Health hospitals. For more information please visit httpwwwallinahealthorgsubsidized Health servicesallina Health subsidizes certain necessary Health care services, which include 24-hour emergency services to the community, especially those located in medically underserved or high-need areas, community services for people with disabilities and mental Health services. In 2023, Allina Health expended $21,452,821 to make available and provide these services to the communities we serve.
Uncompensated care:charity careallina Health provides medical care without charge or at reduced cost to residents of the communities that it serves through the provision of charity care. Our partners care was established to assist patients who do not qualify for medical assistance such as medicaid and whose annual incomes are at or below 275% of the federal poverty level. Charity care does not include bad debt (charges written off as unpaid and uncollectible). Through this program, Allina Health strives to ensure that all members of the community receive quality medical care; regardless of ability to pay. In 2023, Allina Health provided $15,653,489 in charity care.uninsured discount programfor uninsured patients who do not qualify for medicaid or meet the financial threshold for charity care, but require some financial assistance, Allina Health provides a sliding scale discount. All uninsured patients are eligible for a minimum of a 14 percent discount on billed charges and may qualify for discounts up to 77 percent based on eligibility criteria. In 2023, Allina Health provided $52,764,226 in such discounts to low-income, uninsured individuals. Bad debt - bad debt will be reported as a reduction to revenue.allina Health provides medical care to all in need. There are times when patient account balances go unpaid, known as bad debt. These bad debt amounts in 2023 totaled $88,078,346.
Cost of participating in government programsallina Health is committed to serving all persons in need, regardless of race, creed, sex, nationality, religion, disability, age, or ability to pay. To promote access to care for all individuals, Allina Health participates in the following public Health care programs: medicare, medicaid, minnesotacare, and general assistance. Payments from these programs frequently do not cover the costs Allina Health incurs to serve program beneficiaries. In 2023, Allina Health provided $1,065,994,966 in Health care services in excess of the reimbursement received by public programs and surcharges, taxes and fees related to these programs. The following is a breakdown on costs related to these programs, services and additional taxes and fees.costs in excess of medicare and medicaid paymentsallina Health provides services to public program enrollees. Such public programs have historically been reimbursed at amounts less than cost. In 2023, Allina Health expended $698,665,818 beyond reimbursements to provide care for medicare patients and an additional $285,823,068 beyond reimbursements for medicaid patients. In 2023, an in-depth assessment of current reporting practices and expert guidance was completed. The calculation of this category was adjusted to include costs in excess of payments associated with providing care to patients who are beneficiaries of programs reimbursed through managed care plans such as Minnesota Health care programs (mhcp). Managed care plans such as mhcp are a form of medicaid, administered through managed care organizations. In Minnesota, most residents who qualify for medicaid are required to enroll in an mhcp program unless they meet a certain list of exclusions. The adjustment to include mhcp programs resulted in an increase of almost $250 million reported for 2023. Medicaid surchargeallina Health is a participant in the medicaid surcharge program. The current program includes a 1.56% surcharge on a hospital's net patient service revenue (excluding medicare revenue). Reported amounts are net of any disproportionate share adjustments. In 2023, Allina Health paid $28,336,020 for the medicaid surcharge. Minnesotacare taxthe System also participates in the funding of medical care for the uninsured through a minnesotacare tax of 1.6% on certain patient service revenue. Patients who are unable to get insurance through their employer are eligible to participate in minnesotacare. In 2023, Allina Health paid $50 million in minnesotacare taxes.taxes and fees Allina Health pays property taxes to local and state government used in funding civil and education services to the community. In total, Allina Health paid $3,353,497 in property taxes in 2023. Allina Health pays other federal, state, and local taxes that aren't reported here.
Community services:in 2023, Allina Health contributed $47,544,514 to community programs and services to advance the Health of the broader community. Below are examples of programs and services Allina Health provides within the communities we serve that offer community benefit.community Health improvement servicesaccording to irs reporting categories and the catholic Health association (cha/vha) guidelines, community Health improvement services include activities to improve community Health that are subsidized by the Health care organization and do not generate inpatient or outpatient bills. Allina Health provides many programs and services that fall under this category. A few examples include: Health powered kids (hpk), launched in 2012, is a free community education program designed to empower children ages 3 to 14 years to make healthier choices about eating, exercise, keeping clean and managing stress. In 2023, more than 4,600 people from Minnesota and Wisconsin visited the hpk website.change to chill (ctc) is a free, online resource that provides stress reduction tips, life balance techniques and Health education services for teens. In 2023, more than 139,000 people visited the change to chill website. Also in 2023, change to chill partnered with the local organization indigenous people's task force (iptf) to create a launch "change the chill for indigenous youth", a native american-specific webpage created by and for indigenous youth living in our community. Since 2018, the ctc program has included an in-person component - the change to chill school partnership(ctcsp). Components of ctcsp include staff training on ctc, a mental wellness curriculum, a "chill kit" with print materials and items such as fidgets to promote mental wellbeing, and funding for a "chill zone"-a designated space for students and staff to practice self-care. Initial evaluations of ctcsp have shown increases in confidence in ability to cope with stress among students who participate in program components. During the 2023-2024 school year, 35 high schools and middle schools received support and resources through the ctcsp.hello4health - launched in 2021 to help people build or strengthen social connections in their lives. The program builds on a previous Allina Health program, neighborhood Health connection, and was developed in response to the 2020-2022 chna which identified social isolation as a factor contributing to poor mental wellness among adults across all geographies. Components include education on the importance of social connections to Health, suggested activities to connect with others of all ages and social skill-building tools to make connecting easier. Patients who self-identify as lonely or socially isolated are also referred to the website. In 2023, more than 13,700 people visited the website.medeligible - medeligible services supports patients who have difficulty paying their medical bills. The staff helps patients apply to federal, state, and county aid programs such as medicaid, medicare, social security, food stamps, emergency food and shelter. Medeligible services educates patients and their families about the advantages of these programs and works with them to get the help they need. Allina Health health-related needs program - to partner with community-based organizations to address select patient needs at point of care and connect patients to community programs or resources that support ongoing need, Allina Health continued its health-related social needs (hrsn) program, an Allina health-specific model for screening and addressing health-related social needs. In october 2023, Allina Health expanded the program to include all hospital patients as well as those accessing care via our mother-baby service line, care management, and the penny george institute for Health and healing. In total, Allina Health screened more than 390,000 patients for health-related social needs such as housing, food insecurity, transportation and help paying medical bills. Of those, nearly 10 % identified at least one need. More than 11,000 patients also received support accessing community resources from an Allina Health community navigator. Health professions education Allina Health actively supports numerous medical education activities for providers, Health care students and other Health professionals. In 2023, Allina Health invested over $26 million in internship opportunities, mentoring partnerships, and graduate medical education programming. Allina Health is committed to the education, training and development of future Health care professionals and ensures the availability of a highly trained workforce to meet the community's Health care needs. Research Allina Health participates in clinical and community Health research that is focused on improving community Health. Allina Health invested more than $2 million toward research in 2023. Financial and in-kind contributionsallina Health provides numerous in-kind and monetary contributions to individuals and other not-for-profit organizations to support community needs. In 2023, Allina Health funded nearly $5 million for donations of equipment, supplies, meeting space, staff time and sponsorship of various civic awards, community programs and events. This included donating space in Allina Health's corporate headquarters, the Allina commons, to community groups such as the lake street council and cultural wellness center. Community-building activitiesallina Health and its employees are active participants in various community activities that target the root causes of Health problems, such as poverty, homelessness and environmental issues. Examples include community Health improvement advocacy, workforce development, participating in various community coalitions and disaster preparedness planning. Awardsin 2023, Allina Health and its facilities were the recipient of numerous awards for attributes such as workplace excellence, safety, patient experience and quality. Pertaining to community benefit, Allina Health was recognized for its sustainability initiatives via numerous awards. From practice greenhealth, an environmental sustainability organization for hospitals and Health systems in the us and canada, Allina Health was awarded System for change award and all Allina Health hospitals and courage kenny golden valley received awards for superior performance additionally, for waste reduction, Allina Health was awarded the doe's better practice award and the stryker sustainability for reprocessing. The staff person who started and maintains the cambridge giving garden was awarded for her work by upstream, a new statewide initiative celebrating Minnesota's natural places and the people who care for them. Additionally, to support the healthcare workforce and economic vitality in rural communities, new ulm medical center received the workforce pipelines and partnerships award from the Minnesota hospital association for its efforts to educate local students in healthcare careers. Community benefit operationsallina Health uses dedicated staff for the assessment and management of community benefit programs and needs. For more, please visit: httpwwwallinahealthorgaboutuscomm...

Grants made by Allina Health

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation (MHIF)Support for Cardiovascular Research and Education$2,208,737
Minnesota Community Healthcare NetworkGeneral Support$755,195
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and MinneapolisGeneral Support$361,125
...and 93 more grants made totalling $4,693,597

Who funds Allina Health

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Allina Health FoundationFunding for Education and Learning Center Projects$10,405,616
Allina Health FoundationOperational Grants To Support Programs Including Adaptive Sports, Education and Research, Improving Oncology Services and Assistance To Community Agencies.$9,866,986
Allina Health FoundationFunding for Linear Accelarator, Joint Replacement Center and Mental Health Remodel at United Hospital$8,182,604
...and 49 more grants received totalling $36,419,697

Personnel at Allina Health

Lisa ShannonPresident and Chief Executive Officer$2,613,585
Penny WheelerDirector$0
Dominica TallaricoExecutive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer$1,095,860
P Douglas J WatsonChief Financial Officer
Richard MagnusonTreasurer and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer$1,888,713
...and 34 more key personnel

Financials for Allina Health

RevenuesFYE 12/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$36,066,043
Program services$5,126,375,007
Investment income and dividends$71,975,939
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$4,566,159
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$88,435,345
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$55,909,327
Total revenues$5,383,327,820

Form 990s for Allina Health

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-122024-11-11990View PDF
2022-122023-11-10990View PDF
2021-122022-11-10990View PDF
2020-122021-11-10990View PDF
2019-122021-04-02990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s

Organizations like Allina Health

Hackensack Meridian Health Inc-Subordinates (HMH)Edison, NJ$7,466,842,942
Dignity HealthSan Francisco, CA$9,914,543,261
Houston MethodistHouston, TX$3,273,307,774
Novant HealthWinston Salem, NC$3,193,826,783
Dartmouth-Hitchcock (D-H)Lebanon, NH$1,980,420,213
Sharp HealthCareSan Diego, CA$1,904,754,700
Endeavor Health Clinical OperationsArlington Heights, IL$2,171,618,732
Indiana University HealthIndianapolis, IN$5,752,062,837
Dignity Community CareSan Francisco, CA$3,559,115,237
WakeMedRaleigh, NC$2,067,993,368
Data update history
December 27, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 7 new personnel
October 4, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 3 new personnel
September 21, 2024
Received grants
Identified 3 new grant, including a grant for $318,171 from Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation
August 10, 2024
Received grants
Identified 8 new grant, including a grant for $63,182 from Elbridge C Cooke TR Uw 1
May 18, 2024
Received grants
Identified 11 new grant, including a grant for $4,874,641 from Allina Health Foundation As of 4122
Nonprofit Types
Grantmaking organizationsHospitalsHealth organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizations
Political advocacyLobbyingOperates internationallyState / local levelReceives government fundingEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringProvides scholarshipsFundraising races, competitions, and tournamentsTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
PO Box 43 Mr 10890
Minneapolis, MN 55440
Metro area
Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI
Hennepin County, MN
Website URL
(888) 425-5462
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
E21: Community Health Systems
NAICS code, primary
622: Hospitals
Parent/child status
Central organization
California AB-488 details
AB 488 status
Not Operating or In Process of Dissolving
Charity Registration status
FTB status revoked
Not revoked
AG Registration Number
None yet
FTB Entity ID
AB 488 data last updated ("as-of") date
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