Program areas at Alianza Nacional de Campesinas
Violence Against Women Alianza works with various projects related to Violence against Women. One of our projects is based in California on violence against campesinas and ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) with Futures Without Violence and Lideres Campesinas as they work with health clinics. Another project is from Esperanza United, a pass through grant to work on gender based violence in the workplace against campesinas, specifically on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault from Culturally Specific Populations in South Florida and Oregon. Alianza is also working with OVW (Office on Violence Against Women) and Campesinos Sin Fronteras on gender based violence in Arizona which focuses on enhancing Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking. Alianza has worked with Latina campesinas and campesinas from Mexican and Central American Indigenous communities. All this work is done in historically underserved and socially disadvantaged rural communities.
Farm and Food Worker Relief Alianza Nacional de Campesinas is honored to receive a $48.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) through the Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program (FFWR). The award allows Alianza in partnership with four of its member organizations - Campesinos Sin Fronteras, Lideres Campesinas, Rural Coalition and the Workers Center of Central New York - and a close ally, the Migrant Clinicians Network, to provide relief funds to more than 64,000 farm and meatpacking workers who incurred pandemic-related health and safety costs. Alianza and its partners will coordinate a workforce of more than 100 community health workers in 14 states and 30 municipalities in Puerto Rico so that eligible workers may apply for the one-time relief payment of $600.
Public Awareness / Mobilizing For public awareness/ mobilizing know your rights in the workplace and other related health issues; Alianza carried out various key celebrations (Denim Day, Semana de Salud de la Mujer Campesina, Dia del Medio Ambiente, Dia Mundial de la Mujer Rural, Da de los Muertos, Dia de la Eliminacin de la VCM, Campesinas de Pie - Dia del Trabajo), commemorations (Dia Internacional del Trabajador, One Billion Rising)and events (Sexual Awareness Month, Campaa Morralitos, Womens Month Poetry Contest, Campesinas de Pie, Estrs del calor, Campesinas de Pie, Mes De La Herencia Latina, Campaa de Mandilitos) year round in collaboration with member organizations. These campaigns bring attention to the priority areas of Alianza. Attention to these areas is garnered via in person events & activities as well as media venues (in English and Spanish), interviews, articles, radio, and social media platforms.
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