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Update your organization's profile

Thanks for your interest in updating your nonprofit's profile information on Cause IQ! We are able to update names, descriptions, categorization, addresses, websites, and some other qualitative information, but financials and other fields are straight from the Form 990, and we unfortunately are only able to update those when new Form 990s come in from the IRS.

To update your organization's information, fill out the form below. Not all fields are required, so if you only need to update a few fields, please feel free to leave the others blank.

After you submit the update, we will review it on our end, and send you an email when we have the information updated. This usually occurs within 48 hours.

Required. The nine-digit (without dashes) EIN of your organization.
Required. The name of your organization.
Optional. The abbreviation of acronym of your organization.
Optional. 2-4 sentence description of your nonprofit, such as mission, vision, or key program area. No longer than 255 characters.
Optional. Longer description of your organization, including program areas, elaboration of mission and vision. You can split into multiple paragraphs.
Optional. The most relevant National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) code for your nonprofit.
Optional. Your organization's website URL.
Optional. The street of the organization.
Optional. The city of the organization.
Optional. The state of the organization.
Optional. The five-digit zip code of the organization.
Optional. Your organization's main phone number, in the format of (123) 456-7890. To remove your organization's phone number, type in (000) 000-0000.