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Federal grant and contract data in Cause IQ

Search for and research federal funding received by nonprofit organizations

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Cause IQ pulls federal grant and contract data from and makes this information available for our customers to search, view, analyze, and export. Federal funding can be a significant source of income for many nonprofits, and having this information can help you gain a better understanding of an organization's financial and funding history. Cause IQ includes both prime and sub-awards in our data — this is where the recipient organization isn't the primary grantee or contractor, and can include block grants that pass through state-level agencies. You can learn more about prime and sub awards here.

Search for organizations based on federal funding received

Cause IQ's search filter sidebar enables you to drill down on a segment of organizations based on the amount of federal grant and contract income those organizations have received. To access the Federal grants income and Federal contracts income filters, click the blue "Advanced search" button at the bottom of the search filter sidebar and type "federal grants" or "federal contracts" into the search box at the top-left of the popup box. Select the desired filter from the list displayed below. Note that both of these filters allow you to enter a minimum and maximum range for either the raw value (dollar amount) of federal funding received, or a percentage of one-year growth in federal grant and contract income.

Here's what the Federal grants income filter looks like:

Federal grants income filter

View federal funding details on an organization's profile page

For organizations we've identified as federal funding recipients, you'll see a 'Federal funding details' section on the Funding tab of their profile page. To find this section, you'll first need to open up an organization's profile page, either by using the smart search box on your dashboard or by clicking on an organization's name in your search results. Next, scroll down the page and click the "Funding" tab on the lefthand side; the 'Federal funding details' section is located at the bottom of this tab.

Key features of the Federal funding details section

  1. Largest Funding Agencies: Discover the major funding agencies behind currently-active awards that an organization has received.
  2. Visualize Funding Trends: View line graphs illustrating changes in federal grants and contracts received over the past five years, allowing you to identify funding patterns and trends.
  3. Detailed Awards List: See a detailed list of awards an organization has received since January 1, 2020, including award descriptions, agencies, award types, start and end dates, and award amounts.

Here's a look at the 'Federal funding details' section:

Federal funding details on Funding tab

Filter grants and contracts awarded

You can also filter grants and contracts received based on award descriptions and by whether or not an award is current. A search box right above the list of awards allows you to search for specific keywords found within the grant or contract descriptions, while a checkbox just below enables you to view only current awards:

Federal funding details - filtering of awards list

In-depth award details

Detailed information about each grant and contract is available by clicking on the award description in the Descriptions column. A popup displays the following award details, federal funding information, and CFDA program details:

  • Amount awarded
  • Award type
  • Date first awarded
  • Date of grant end
  • Place of performance
  • Award ID
  • Funding department
  • Funding agency
  • Funding office
  • Account title
  • CFDA title
  • CFDA number
  • CFDA objectives

For further exploration of a specific grant or contract, a button in the bottom-left brings you directly to that award's listing on the website.

This is what the popup looks like when you click on an award description:

Federal funding details - award description additional information

Export federal funding fields

Once you narrow down on a search segment of organizations or have created a list of specific nonprofits and are ready to include their federal funding details in a Cause IQ export report, select the "Export" tab in the search interface to start the export process. The "Columns" step is where you have the option to include fields like Federal grants income and Federal contracts income. The easiest way to find and add these fields as a column in your export is by searching for the field names from the spyglass search box.

Here's a look at where you can search and add Federal grants income as a column to your export:

Add Federal grant and contract income as data columns in your exports

Compare and analyze federal funding details

Just like most fields available in Cause IQ, you can add the available federal funding fields in Cause IQ to the search table and analyze tools. The search table tool allows you to quickly compare federal funding data points for relevant organizations in a search or list. Once you've segmented the organizations that you want to work with, click the "Table" tab in the search interface to access the search table tool. Then, select the "Customize columns" button on the right to choose the federal funding details you want to compare.

Here's a look at the search table tool, where to access it, and how to change the columns to show the desired federal funding fields:

Access the search table tool and customize columns to display federal funding details

Viewing federal funding details in the search analyze tool lets you quickly see a federal funding summary for the organizations in your list or search segment. Once you've segmented the organizations that you want to work with, click the "Analyze" tab in the search interface to access the search analyze tool. Then, select the "Customize fields" button on the right to choose the federal funding details you want to research.

Here's a look at the search analyze tool, where to access it, and how to change the fields to see summary stats for the desired federal funding fields:

Access the search analyze tool and customize the fields for federal funding details