Cause IQ vendor profile

Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company

Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in New Jersey and New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company clients are labor unions, health and disease research fundraising organizations, professional associations, health and welfare funds, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $54,268 to $3.4 million.

Primary location:
Somerset, NJ
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$2.1 mil revenue
Median client size:
$129 thou revenue

Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company client list

1Local 464A United Food and Commercial Workers Union Welfare Service Benefit Fund501(c)(9)Little Falls, NJ
2Dr Anthony R Volpe and MRS Marlene M Volpe Charitable Trust501(c)(3)Princeton, NJ
3United Food & Commercial Workers Union - 464a Local501(c)(5)Little Falls, NJ
4Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators (AONN)501(c)(6)Cranbury, NJ
5Association for Value-Based Cancer Care (AVBCC)501(c)(6)Cranbury, NJ
6Lewis School of Princeton501(c)(3)Princeton, NJ
7Jane and Tom Tang Foundation for Education501(c)(3)Maplewood, NJ
8Christopher Academy of Preschool Learning501(c)(3)Westfield, NJ
9Amazing Dreams Foundation501(c)(3)Eatontown, NJ
10American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees - AFSCME New Jersey Council 63501(c)(5)Trenton, NJ
...and 53 more Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company competitors

Competitors to Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company in the nonprofit sector include Cullari Carrico Soojian Burke LLC, Meyer Regan and Wilner LLP, Arnold Gallivan Levesque PC, RLH CPAs and Business Advisors LLC, Romberger Wilson and Beeson Inc, Byeman and Cleary CPAs, Hinricher Douglas and Porter LLP, Seligman Friedman and Co PC, Agh LLC, and HSMC Orizon LLC.

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