Cause IQ vendor profile


Nonr is a firm that provides services to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Alabama, North Carolina, Arkansas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Texas (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Nonr clients are grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $30,402 to $12 million.

Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$3.2 mil revenue
Median client size:
$38 thou revenue

Nonr client list

1Windgate Charitable Trust501(c)(3)Little Rock, AR
2Greenberg Foundation501(c)(3)Equinunk, PA
3The Thompson Foundation501(c)(3)Birmingham, AL
4The Carl H Grisham and Laura Estella Grisham Scholarship Foundation501(c)(3)Birmingham, AL
5North Carolina Taekwondo Federation501(c)(3)Wendell, NC
6The Micah Foundation501(c)(3)Winston Salem, NC
7The Solstice Trust501(c)(3)Newport, RI
8Gloryhaven Ministries Corporation501(c)(3)Jersey Village, TX
9The Robert D and Barbara R Engel Family Foundation501(c)(3)Lake Forest, IL

Nonr competitors

Competitors to Nonr in the nonprofit sector include Murphy Enterprises Inc, KKM CPA Associates PLLC, Darosa Tax and Business Services Inc, Mdisois, Bonus Accounting, Emerald Accounting and Tax Services, LMHS PC, Callero and Callerollp, Rice Sullivan LLC, and Roland Dieleman CPAs.

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