Cause IQ vendor profile

Ken M Epstein CPA

Ken M Epstein CPA is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California and Texas (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Ken M Epstein CPA clients are outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, civic and social organizations, professional associations, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $77,065 to $139,013.

Primary location:
West Hills, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$73 thou revenue
Median client size:
$72 thou revenue

Ken M Epstein CPA client list

Ken M Epstein CPA competitors

Competitors to Ken M Epstein CPA in the nonprofit sector include Dawson Smith Purvis and Bassett PA, Boles Metzger Brosius and Emrick PC, Sielschott Walsh Keifer and Regula CPAs Inc, Aiello Goodrich and Teuscher Accountancy Corporation, Reid CPAs LLP, Knapek Gabriele and Bottini LLP, Dworkenhillmanlamorte and Sterczala, Vanderwal Spratto and Richards PC, Cain Bourret Jarry and Associates LLC, and Jacolyn C Wheatley CPA LLC.

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