Cause IQ vendor profile

Hunter and Simmons

Hunter and Simmons is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Florida (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Hunter and Simmons clients are elementary and secondary schools and health and disease research fundraising organizations with revenues ranging from $1.2 million to $3.7 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: William D Hunter Hunter and Simmons.

Primary location:
Crawfordville, FL
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$2.3 mil revenue
Median client size:
$1.8 mil revenue

Hunter and Simmons client list

1Coral Reef Montessori Academy501(c)(3)Miami, FL
2Learning Path Academy501(c)(3)West Palm Beach, FL
3Tomorrow's Promise Community School501(c)(3)Boynton Beach, FL
4Lawrence Academy501(c)(3)Florida City, FL
5Mount Hermon Educational Corp of South Florida501(c)(3)West Park, FL

Hunter and Simmons competitors

Competitors to Hunter and Simmons in the nonprofit sector include Leverage The Lscu Service Corporation, Meyer Regan and Wilner LLP, Holland Henry and Bromley LLP, Smith Barta and Company, Doyle and Keenan PC, Howard J Levine CPA, Duffy Kruspodin and Company LLP, Agh LLC, Blum Shapiro and Company PC CPAs, and James P Richardson CPA Inc.

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