Cause IQ vendor profile

Health Carousel LLC

Health Carousel LLC is a firm that provides services to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Iowa and South Dakota (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Health Carousel LLC clients are hospitals with revenues ranging from $41 million to $500 million.

Primary location:
Cincinnati, OH
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$283 mil revenue
Median client size:
$146 mil revenue

Health Carousel LLC client list

1Phoebe Putney Health System501(c)(3)Albany, GA
2Shannon Medical Center501(c)(3)San Angelo, TX
3Foundation Health LLC501(c)(3)Fairbanks, AK
4Great Plains Health501(c)(3)North Platte, NE
5UnityPoint at Home501(c)(3)West Des Moines, IA
6UnityPoint Health Fort Dodge501(c)(3)Fort Dodge, IA
7Phoebe Sumter Medical Center501(c)(3)Americus, GA
8UPMC Williamsport501(c)(3)Pittsburgh, PA
9Uchealth Medical Group501(c)(3)Fort Collins, CO
10CHI St Alexius Health501(c)(3)Bismarck, ND
...and 17 more Health Carousel LLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Health Carousel LLC competitors

Competitors to Health Carousel LLC in the nonprofit sector include Conduent HR Consulting, LLC, Liberty Life Assurance Company Of Boston, Hyatt Legal Plans, Lincoln Life Assurance Company Of Boston, Oxford Health Insurance, Inc, Brighthouse Securities, LLC, Pimco Funds, Unimerica Insurance Company, Tufts Associated Health Maintenance Org Inc, and CBIZ Financial Solutions Inc.

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