Cause IQ vendor profile

Blaine A Whitaker CPA PLLC

Blaine A Whitaker CPA PLLC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Arizona (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Blaine A Whitaker CPA PLLC clients are grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $270,626 to $1.5 million.

Primary location:
Phoenix, AZ
All locations:
AZ, None
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$669 thou revenue
Median client size:
$223 thou revenue

Blaine A Whitaker CPA PLLC client list

1Marco Foundation501(c)(3)Phoenix, AZ
2David and Ruth Coleman Charitable Foundation501(c)(3)Phoenix, AZ
3The Bidstrup Foundation501(c)(3)Phoenix, AZ
4Mr & Mrs Jay C Stuckey Jr Foundation501(c)(3)Phoenix, AZ

Blaine A Whitaker CPA PLLC competitors

Competitors to Blaine A Whitaker CPA PLLC in the nonprofit sector include Grubman Anand PC, Mahlum Goodhart PC, Otis Atw E LL, Hughes Welch and Milligancpasltd, Manger and Company, Hamilton Pyle and Bowman LLP, Rubian Moss CPA, Manger and Associates CPAs PC, Ullrey and Company, and Stevens Kirinovic and Tucker.

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