Program areas at Redemptorist Social Services Center
Emergency assistance - to provide assistance to the homeless, aging and the poor in service areas; the following number of individuals benefited from assistance provided: 434 utilities/rent, 31 medical/dental, 948 transportation, 3,665 hygiene, 4,730 clothing/housewares, 478 holiday meals, 179 holiday gift and 296 miscellaneous (education, work related, funeral/burial).
Legal - to provide legal assistance to the homeless, aging and poor individuals in service areas; a total of 51 individuals received free legal assistance.
Senior Services - this program includes saturday meal delivery to the homebound, emergency client assistance Services, health and wellness screenings, minor home repairs, utility assistance, medical assistance, shelter assistance, food pantry assistance and clothing assistance; a total of 2,980 individuals benefited from senior Services.
Health maintenance - a total of 508 individuals received free health assistance; health assistance includes home health for the homebound, medical supplies such as: wheel chairs, walkers and canes, shower stools, toilet risers and grab bars and human dignity/hygiene products.