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Prospect for Nonprofits

Target organizations that matter to you and find the right organizations to grow your nonprofit client base

Explore the overview and feature articles below, or learn prospecting best practices

Find opportunities by identifying organizations using specific vendors

Search for organizations that use your competitors and partners, and learn which firms dominate specific markets

Find organizations in specific target markets

Use over 400 filters to help you find the right organizations to grow your nonprofit client base

Find personnel and contact information

Identify relevant personnel by job levels and functions, view identified personnel working at an organization, export contact information in bulk, and see all the details we have for one person

Discover characteristics of your clients and qualified prospects

Better understand the organizations that matter to you the most and find ones that share similar qualities

Export lists in bulk

Generate custom reports of organization and personnel records, create new Salesforce records, and download organization details in a table

Other articles

More articles on how to prospect for nonprofits