Program areas at Community Action Pioneer Valley
Fuel assistance provides payments to vendors for people with low income that qualify under the federal guidelines. They serve approximately 14,551 persons in two counties - franklin and hampshire.
Women infant and children is a program that provides assistance in the form of foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating and referrals to healthcare. In fiscal year 2023, the organization provided services to 2,688 children age birth to 4 years old and pregnant, breastfeeding and post-partum women.
Head start is an early education program serving birth - 5 year olds and their families in franklin county, hampshire county and western hampden county with early education, care and comprehensive services. In fiscal year 2023, head start ("hs") and early head start ("ehs") served 450 children and their families. The organization offers both full day, full year services and part year (37 week) services. The organization also served some children who are not in the hs or ehs programs. In total, the organization serviced 316 preschoolers and 134 infants/toddlers in fiscal year 2023.
Other programs include house weatherization assistance, family support, adult education and job skills; food and nutrition; money management; youth programs; conflict resolution and healing from traumas.